Course Description

Meeting Time:

In this course, we will have local weeks and international connection weeks. For local weeks, we will discuss some cross-cultural learning theories and methods. For international weeks, we will meet with our partner school via videoconference and text-chat.

Classroom: SF 901 and/or online

About time differences and daylight saving:

USA (ECU is in Greenville in North Carolina, USA)

- Daylight saving in USA ends on November 7, 2021, USA time.

- East coast of USA is 12 hours behind Taiwan (13 hours behind TW after Daylight saving ends).

Japan (USJ is in Hamada, Shimane, Japan)

- There is no Daylight saving in Japan.

- USJ is 1 hour ahead of Taiwan.

Peru (ESAN University is in Lima city, Peru)

- There is no Daylight saving in Peru.

- ESAN Peru is 13 hours behind Taiwan.

*Please bring your own laptop to class on connection sessions if you have your own laptop (for IceChat chats and/or Google Hangout/FB/Teams/zoom breakout rooms).

Grading and Requirements:

  • Attendance:

Please note that attendance is compulsory. For every unexcused-absence (per session) will mean 3 points off the final average grade. A total of six excused absences of will lead to the failure of the course. You must be on time to connect with foreign schools

  • IceChat Text-chat and/or Google or FB messenger or IG or Twitter chat records must be uploaded to EngSite area and will be the proof of your attendance of chat connection weeks.

  • 1 Individual Paper 20%: Topic can be related to the culture or comparison of the cultures.

  • One or multiple collaborative projects 15%

  • Oral Presentation 20% (this might be linked with the collaborative projects presentation or individual presentation)

  • 4 Journals: 20%

  • Participation: 25%

  • Pre-Survey and Post-surveys & text chat records (counted as part of participation)

Participation Arrangement:

Please be prepared to speak and communicate in English with foreign students.

Since we have around 20 students in our course (and possibly 16 students in the partner schools), we will divide you into two groups. Details of arrangement will be announced later after the number of students enrolled in the class is finalized.

Journals: Each student is required to 4 journals for the entire semester (Journals may be replaced by some other collaborative activities by the instructor if necessary).

Required reading: In addition to being able to discuss matters relating to other cultures for which you should consult your local newspaper, students are required to read local newspapers for the participating partner universities.

Individual Paper: When you are participating actively with your partner, starting from the beginning of the cultural link you can start thinking and choosing a topic that is related to areas covered in this class for your final paper.

E-mailing your partner or communicate via FaceBook/IG/Twitter: You are expected to keep in touch your partners, either through e-mail or you can establish friendship via FaceBook or other social media.