Leaders in Solar Engineering

Supporting over 4500 Commercial Solar Installations. Providing Structural Certification for over 500MW of Solar across Australia and New Zealand

What we do

A solar ready roof is one that will make the installation of a residential or commercial solar power system an easier task.

Is your next project Solar Ready?

Are you looking for a company to help with your solar engineering needs?

Gamcorp is the leading provider of solar engineering solutions. We have over 10 years of experience and expertise, and we’ve completed projects all over Australia and New Zealand. Our team will listen to your specific needs, analyse critical issues, manage workloads, and develop unique solutions that are cost effective.

As a customer-focused organization, we know how important it is to be able to deliver what you need when you need it. That’s why our engineers work closely with clients from start to finish on every project – so they can provide high quality services at competitive rates.

You want a trustworthy engineering consultant who will spend time working with you to fully comprehend your needs and special situation, while still having the expertise needed for an efficient and cost-effective solution. You can be assured that our team will speak in plain English so they can get all of their ideas across without any confusion. Our engineering team has the experience overcoming challenges on a large scale project like solar energy construction projects where there are always more than just one set of problems to be solved at once!

The Problem

Unknown limitations of the building.

How many solar panels can be installed?

Will the new solar system damage the building?

Is the standard connection suitable for this roof?

The Real Problem

Not having all details when you scope the installation

Installation delays and/or extra costs

Discovering the issues too late

Not too sure what to look for in the building

The Process

Typical Path to Structural Certification

Simply by delaying the conversation with an engineer who is experienced on roof mount solar installation can add unknown delays, changes and costs to your proposed installation. The building is such a critical component of the installation and must be considered early in the project.

Optimal Path to Structural Certification

A structural engineer is your best weapon in the battle against a budget blow out, so engage one pronto!

  • Empower yourself with our tools and education to better understanding of the building upfront and to be able to collect as much information as you can

  • Engage and discuss the project with an engineer early to remove variable time, risk and cost.

Click on the images below for detailed information and pricing for our Solar Engineering Services

Example Projects

Large Scale Multi-Site Commercial

Gamcorp has certified the Installation of over 40 large shopping centres Australia wide.

Key Challenges:

  • Gathering Structural Information of Roof Structure

  • Unknown Roof Sheet Types

  • Stakeholder engagement and management. Large scale sites require the coordination of stakeholder meetings and updates along each stage of the design process

Multi-roof Commercial

Gamcorp have been apart of many small scale multi-site projects which require a dedicated team of engineers for a length of time. Some of these projects have required over 30 Site Certifications per week for months on end.

Key Challenges:

  • Structural Drawings Not Available

  • Gathering Structural Information

  • Site Access Issues

  • Stakeholder Management

Project Types:

  • Multi-site Council Projects

  • Retirement Villages

  • University & TAFE Projects

  • Government Projects

Large Scale Commercial

Megawatt Sized Large Scale Commercial installations.

Key Challenges:

  • Detailed Information for large site. Most projects of this size need to have Structural Drawings to be able to fully utilise the roof area. If Structural drawings are not available, inspections can be lengthy and access issues in plant area require additional logistics.

  • New additional load consideration for buildings that usually are not designed to adopt this magnitude of additional loads.

  • Pallet Load considerations when temporarily dropping 500kg+ Pallets on the roof area.

  • Minimising the use of rails and clamps to ensure minimal wastage and saving on installation costs.

Links to Education Materials, Tools and Checklists