Nicky Macias, NIC

Certified ASL Interpreter | PhD Linguistics Student

I am a multimodal-multilingual language practitioner & PhD student in socio(cultural) linguistics seeking ASL interpreting, publication, conferencing and linguistics training opportunities.

Click here for more on my positionality and academic-related goals. 

Click here for my brief mission within my interpreting work. 

"In practice, the study of language is in some degree or other the concern of everyone. But a paradoxical consequence of this general interest is that no other subject has fostered more absurd notions, more prejudices, more illusions, or more fantasies. From a psychological point of view, these errors are of interest in themselves. But it is the primary task of the linguist to denounce them, and to eradicate them as completely as possible." - Ferdinand de Saussure (bold added)


Get in touch! nicky dot macias at gmail dot com