Primary data - the videos from MoLo

We link to each video below but you'll need to watch them on YouTube itself to access more information for each video in their YouTube description.

These videos and transcripts are linked here one by one. The videos are being shared via YouTube and the transcripts via Dropbox. If you would like a batch download of videos and their transcripts, contact our team. We are working on depositing them within an archives or digital repository eventually. 

To cite this video:
MoLo. 201123_MarvinMiller_RaychelleHarris_MoLo006_N_2_8. YouTube, uploaded by Julie A. Hochgesang, 2023.,

Transcript: (in progress)

To cite this video:
MoLo. 201102_FrankGriffin_JonHenner_MoLo003_N_2_5_Logi. YouTube, uploaded by Julie A. Hochgesang, 2024.,

Transcript: (in progress)

To cite this video:
MoLo. 201102_FrankGriffin_JonHenner_MoLo003_S_4_5_Logi. YouTube, uploaded by Julie A. Hochgesang, 2024.,

Transcript: Transcript for Jon Transcript for Frank Transcript for LeeAnn

To cite this video:
MoLo. 201102_FrankGriffin_JonHenner_MoLo003_I_5_5_Logi. YouTube, uploaded by Julie A. Hochgesang, 2024., 

Transcript: (in progress)

To cite this video:
MoLo. 201221_LouiseApplegate_EmilySidansky_MoLo009_S_6_7_Quicktime. YouTube, uploaded by Julie A. Hochgesang, 2023.,

Transcript: click here

To cite this video:
MoLo. 210423_EstelinaKovacs_HannaJohnstonShaw_MoLo019
_I_8_8 _QuickTime. YouTube, uploaded by Julie A. Hochgesang, 2023.,

Transcript: (in progress)

We are so thankful to our participants for trusting us with their stories. As caretakers of these stories, we have a responsibility to care for the data. With guidance from CARE and FAIR guidelines, which are ways to care for digital data and making them open but in ways our ASL  communities prefer. We also acknowledge, respect, and celebrate different language experiences - there is no one right way to use language. 

Open access and citing
We ask you to please treat each participant's contribution with respect and care. All of our videos are open access, which means they can be publicly viewed and shared. They are licensed as CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 which means you may share, adapt but not for profit and with credit to our project. You can cite our project as a whole or see specific citation information under each video. We love this tech tip for sharing specific moments in videos. Because we do not have access to a digital repository that meets our needs, we are currently using YouTube to share our videos but hope to deposit them in a more sustainable digital location in the future. 

With each video (primary data), you'll find some metadata to give you more context about that video. For example, our filenames may look funny but they're actually quite informative - they follow this format:


For example: 201221_LouiseApplegate_EmilySidansky_MoLo009_S_6_7_Quicktime

 YYMMDD = 2 digits for the year, month and day, e.g., 201221 means December 21, 2020. Types of videos include narratives (N), conversations (C), systems prompt (S) and interviews (I). #of# refers to the number of the clip within the session - usually there are 4 or 5 clips within a session. (We used to have 7 or 8 but we re-edited our videos.) Video source refers to whether we relied on the Zoom cloud recording or the screen recording via Quicktime.

You may also notice that we have added images to the bottom right of the videos. These images indicate the kind of access they have been granted = 🤲 (open access), 🏫 (limited to researchers and teachers), 🔐 (locked). The only ones you should be seeing are the videos with 🤲.

We provide a bit of metadata within each video description on YouTube, such as contributor name and visual descriptions including preferred social identity descriptors. We also are working to provide English translations and ID glossing (which uses the ASL Signbank) transcripts for each video. The English translations are available as captions in the video and in our ELAN transcripts (.eafs). The ID glosses, which are sign by sign English labels to make the video machine-readable, are only available in our ELAN transcripts (.eafs). You need to download the ELAN program to open .eafs but you can also right-click and open them as text-only files to read them in their xml format. Please note that our transcripts are still under development. 

To read more about how we process our data, see this.

Metadata - More about MoLo

(Data statement coming soon)

(Link to all available transcripts coming soon)