Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (CAN) Lab 

PhD in Educational Neuroscience Program

Gallaudet University






Math Anxiety

Anxiety about mathematics can have detrimental effects on math experiences and learning. Math anxiety is associated with interruptions in math learning, working memory, and ultimately may negatively impact STEM-related career choices. We strive to find ways to decrease math anxiety and improve math performance.

Language Anxiety

Anxiety about learning a language may be associated with decreased learning and understanding. Here we explore how bilingualism in the deaf community may interact with language anxiety in order to improve bilingual language learning in deaf learners.

Social Interaction and Academic Anxiety

Social connections and interactions may influence the anxiety we feel around certain academic subjects. We are influenced by our peers, our parents, and other key people in our lives. We explore how these "contagious" feelings of anxiety affect academic performance and other outcomes.

Academic Anxiety and Conceptual Understanding

The ultimate goal of education is for learners to have a deep understanding of the concepts they are learning. We explore how anxiety can create barriers for improved conceptual understanding, and how different interventions may improve learning.

2023 CAN Lab team: Dr. Rachel Pizzie, Christina Kim, Taylor Delorme, Bridget Lam, Thalia Guettler, and Rachel Sortino. Not pictured: Rachel Inghram



Contact can [dot] lab [at] to get more information on the CAN Lab at Gallaudet University

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