The PlatForm
Energy and Climate
Energy and Climate
Climate change is already impacting Georgians. Curbing carbon emissions is critical to curbing climate change in our state. Investing in reliable, affordable renewable energy that does not damage the environment or produce harmful impacts on communities is the best path forward for the people of Georgia.
You should know……
Climate Change is estimated to cost Georgia $34.2 billion a year by the year 2100.
Climate change will also harm the state’s agriculture, outdoor recreation and tourism industries.
In the past decade, Georgia has experienced 35 climate-related disasters responsible for a total of $405.6 billion in damages. 14 of those climate-related disasters responsible for a total of $247.6 billion in damages happened just since 2017.
Five cities in Georgia have already made city wide 100% clean energy commitments: Atlanta, Athens, Augusta, Clarkston, and Savannah. Athens-Clarke-County has even set up a community Energy fund to invest in energy efficiency and solar energy.
There will be funding opportunities from the federal and state governments to advance environmental and sustainability efforts and repair infrastructure. These funds will flow from the American Rescue Plan Act and the American Jobs Plan.
What can be done...
Commit your community to just transition to 100% clean and renewable electricity by 2035
Commit your community to 100% clean energy (including all heating and transportation) by 2050
Ensure any funds spent on construction (e.g. affordable housing or new municipal buildings) are energy efficient and include solar power.)
Work proactively to pass policies that reduce carbon emissions
Invest in measures to reduce energy use
Invest in renewable energy such as solar, wind, or geothermal
Ensure that everyone, especially people most impacted, has a seat at the table in a just transition to a clean energy future.
Fully commit to reducing energy burden by combatting increases in power bill rates; investing in programs that provide free or reduced weatherization and energy efficiency upgrades; or that provided direct payments to low-income households that are in arrears on energy bills
Support initiatives that offer job training and support for workers in the energy efficiency sector
Most of Georgia’s carbon emission comes from the transportation sector. Switching out gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles for electric vehicles, increasing mass transit, and adopting more alternative mobility options will help us dramatically reduce these emissions.
You should know…
Georgia has nearly 90,000 miles of public roads. In 2017, vehicles accounted for 43% of the state’s CO2 emissions -- our single largest source.
In 2018, the Georgia General Assembly Session passed HB 90, which allows any county outside of the Metro Atlanta region to call for a referendum to levy a Transit SPLOST. Counties can seek funding alone or partner with a neighboring county. Unless the referendum is approved in each of the participating counties, the tax shall not be imposed. Learn more here.
In 2019, three counties in Georgia received F grades for their number of days of unhealthy ozone levels
In 2015, Georgia state legislators eliminated a tax credit for electric vehicles and instituted one of the highest “user” fees for electric vehicles owners in that nation
What can be done...
Work with the Governor and General Assembly to bring state funding to local transit services, and to bring back financial incentives for electric vehicle purchasing/leasing
Expand your community's 100% clean energy goal to include transportation
Commit to electrifying government fleet vehicles
Promote charging infrastructure for electric vehicles throughout the city and require new developments to fulfill a quota of EV vehicle charging stations
Deprioritize road widenings wherever possible in transportation planning processes, and prioritize solutions that reduce car dependence
Promote multi-use trail development and funding
Work together with transit agencies to improve amenities at bus stops, and to create new bus-only lanes to improve bus service and reliability
Water, more than anything, is the baseline for all living things. People need to have reliable access to clean, affordable water. Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns are leading to significant changes in the quantity and quality of water available. Further, deteriorating infrastructure for flood control and water supply exacerbates risks for humans and nature in Georgia.
You should know…
A 2017 report showed Georgia’s drinking water was among the least safe in the nation. This is due to contamination from things like coal ash, PFAs, and lead pipes.
Over the last decade, Georgia has experienced 5 hurricanes, totaling $115 billion in damages and 258 deaths.
In the last decade, alongside flooding caused by hurricanes and tropical storms, Georgia has experienced four flooding events costing a total of $9.2 billion in damages and resulting in 102 deaths.
Currently, 100,000 people are at risk of coastal flooding in Georgia and by 2050, an additional 38,000 people are projected to be at risk of coastal flooding due to sea level rise. In addition, more than 570,000 people are at risk of inland flooding in Georgia.
By 2100, 40,000 homes in Georgia at an estimated worth of $13 billion will face flooding.
The 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Grant provides funding for local Gov Water-Related Projects.
What can be done...
Commit to fighting for safe, clean drinking water for everyone.
Make removing lead pipes from my community’s water system a priority.
Strengthen protections for private drinking water wells for rural families by reducing agriculture pollution.
Ensure everyone has access to clean drinking water at affordable rates, including delivering updated, more reliable water meters.
Hold those who pollute our water, land, and air accountable.
Work proactively to make water and sewer infrastructure more resilient to storms, floods, and droughts
Work to make sure investments in green infrastructure do not result in gentrification and displacement