防疫消息 News





指揮中心指出,為確保國內防疫安全,所有入境旅客均應出示「表定航班時間(Flight schedule time)前3日內COVID-19核酸檢驗報告」後搭機來臺;入境臺灣旅客應事前安排檢疫居所(防疫旅宿或1人1戶居家檢疫),且須於「入境檢疫系統」完成線上健康申報並切結符合相關規定。入境檢疫措施將視疫情及執行狀況,適時滾動調整。



Starting April 10, Taiwan to again allow arriving travelers with history of travel to the UK, South Africa or Eswatini to undergo quarantine at quarantine hotels or follow one person per residence requirement and quarantine at home.

April 10, 2021

On April 7, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that starting from April 10, 2021, 00:00 am (arrival time), travelers who have traveled to the United Kingdom, Republic of South Africa, or the Kingdom of Eswatini in the past 14 days (travelers who have transited in those countries included) would not be required to stay at group quarantine facilities after arrival in Taiwan; such travelers may undergo the 14-day quarantine at a quarantine hotel or follow the one person per residence requirement to quarantine at their residence. The CECC's decision allows arriving travelers from the three countries to abide by the same measures as travelers from countries under Level 3 travel notice. After the 14-day quarantine period, they are still required to practice an additional 7-day self-health management.

Before boarding the flight to Taiwan, all travelers must provide a COVID-19 RT-PCR test report issued within three days prior to the flight schedule time; travelers coming to Taiwan must arrange a place (a quarantine hotel or a residence that meets one person per residence requirement) where they can undergo quarantine. Also, they must log into the Quarantine System for Entry to complete the online health declaration and make an affidavit stating they have met related regulations. Entry and quarantine measures will be adjusted on a rolling basis based on the status of the pandemic and effectiveness of the new policy.

Source: Centers for Disease Control





為確保國內防疫安全,搭機入境(或經我國機場轉機)旅客應出示「表定航班時間」(Flight schedule time)前3天內的COVID-19核酸檢驗陰性報告,及預先以手機完成「入境檢疫系統」(https://hdhq.mohw.gov.tw/)線上健康申報並切結入境檢疫14天之居所符合相關規定(防疫旅宿或1人1戶居家檢疫)。以上規範將視疫情變化隨時調整公告。




MOFA announces adjustments to regulations for foreign nationals entering Taiwan beginning March 1, 2021, in line with the continuation of CECC Fall-Winter COVID-19 Prevention Program

February 25, 2021

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on February 24, 2021, that implementation of the Fall-Winter COVID-19 Prevention Program (2020/12/01-2021/2/28) will be continued until further notice, but that entry regulations will be adjusted. In accordance with the decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will update regulations concerning the entry of foreign nationals into the Republic of China (Taiwan). Beginning March 1, 2021, foreign nationals who wish to travel to Taiwan for reasons other than tourism and regular social visits may apply for a special entry permit with an R.O.C. overseas mission by submitting relevant documents and forms. However, the entry of foreign students will still be based on regulations of the Ministry of Education. (Please note that currently only students in formal degree programs in Taiwan and recipients of the MOFA Taiwan Scholarship attending the Mandarin Language Enrichment Program may enter the country.)

To continue to safeguard domestic antipandemic efforts, all inbound and transit travelers to Taiwan are required to provide a COVID-19 RT-PCR negative test report issued within three working days of their incoming flight's scheduled departure time. Travelers should also log into the Quarantine System for Entry ( http://hdhq.mohw.gov.tw/ ), use their mobile phone to fill out the health declaration form prior to their departure, and make an affidavit stating that the location of their intended 14-day home quarantine in Taiwan (to be conducted in a quarantine hotel or in a home with one person per residence) meets relevant regulations. These conditions are subject to change and may be adjusted as circumstances require.

> Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.boca.gov.tw/cp-220-6342-02525-2.html

Source: Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs




中央流行疫情指揮中心宣布自今(2021)年1月14日零時起(抵臺時間),14天內曾有南非共和國或史瓦帝尼王國旅遊史(含在當地轉機)之旅客,將比照自英國入境或14天內具英國旅遊史者,入境後一律入住集中檢疫所且採檢,並於檢疫期滿前再次採檢,檢驗結果陰性後,返家接續完成7天自主健康管理,旅客不需支付集中檢疫場所費用,請旅客誠實申報14日內健康狀況及旅遊史,以確保其自身健康且共同維護國內防疫安全。指揮中心表示,我國案813史瓦帝尼籍個案,經實驗室於1月12日確認為南非變異病毒株感染者(自2020年10月以來,累計已定序38株;其中英國變異株5株,南非變異株1株)。因史瓦帝尼王國與南非共和國交通往來密切,且南非共和國近期COVID-19疫情嚴峻,該國迄今累計確診已達1,259,748 例(22,014例/百萬人)病例,34,334例(600例/百萬人)死亡,近兩週平均每日新增17,021例,占非洲區逾7成。此外,截至目前為止,全球至少12國已報告檢出具南非變異株病毒感染者,WHO推估變異株傳播能力相較於非變異株約1.5倍,惟目前資料有限,其對於傳播風險、檢驗診斷、臨床症狀及疫苗的影響仍有待研究證實。


In response to the continued severity of COVID-19 and the new coronavirus strain found in South Africa, travelers who have history of travel to South Africa or Eswatini in the past 14 days will be required to undergo quarantine at group quarantine facilities after arrival in Taiwan starting January 14

January 13, 2021

On January 13, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that starting from January 14, 2021, 00:00 am (arrival time), travelers who have traveled to the Republic of South Africa or the Kingdom of Eswatini in the past 14 days (travelers who have transited in those two countries included) would be required to stay at group quarantine facilities after arrival in Taiwan and to receive COVID-19 testing, abiding by the same entry and quarantine measures for travelers arriving from the UK or those who have history of travel to the UK in the past 14 days. Moreover, those travelers will be given another COVID-19 test before completing the quarantine period. After they test negative, they will be required to complete the subsequent 7-day period of self-health management. Such travelers do not need to pay for group quarantine accommodation fees.

Source: Centers for Disease Controlhttps://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Bulletin/Detail/jaabKFtUUyKI13RPcq3Yow?typeid=158





CECC announces adjustments to regulations for foreign nationals entering Taiwan beginning January 1, 2021, in response to continued spread of COVID-19 pandemic

December 30, 2020【★】

Given the continued severity of COVID-19 worldwide and in order to secure domestic antipandemic efforts and ensure public health, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announces that beginning January 1, 2021, at 00:00 (local time at the airport of departure), entry restrictions and quarantine regulations for foreign nationals will be tightened. Foreign nationals meeting the criteria below will be allowed entry:1. Alien Resident Certificate holders;2. personnel on diplomatic or official business, persons who can prove they are fulfilling commercial and contractual obligations, or persons admitted for special humanitarian reasons;3. spouses and minor children of R.O.C. nationals or Alien Resident Certificate holders;4. other persons requiring special permission.The aforementioned persons requiring special permission refer to those who have received approval from R.O.C. central competent authorities or agencies, such as white-collar workers, migrant workers, and foreign students.In addition, foreign nationals who obtained special entry permits on or before December 30, 2020, from R.O.C. overseas missions will still be allowed entry.Beginning January 15, 2021, at 00:00, apart from the original requirement of providing a COVID-19 RT-PCR test report issued within three days of boarding, arriving travelers must also provide proof of the location of their intended quarantine. In principle, travelers should quarantine at a group quarantine facility or quarantine hotel; those who choose to quarantine at home must sign an affidavit declaring they have met the requirement of one person per residence. The CECC will further adjust entry restrictions and quarantine regulations in response to global pandemic developments and the effectiveness of antipandemic measures. (E)







  • 外籍人士:持有居留證、外交公務、商務履約、人道考量、國人之配偶及未成年子女、其他特別許可。

  • 港澳人士:持有居留證、商務履約、跨國企業內部調動、國人之配偶及未成年子女、專案許可。

  • 陸籍人士:持有居留證、國人之配偶及未成年子女、專案許可。






CECC imposes entry restrictions and quarantine measures for non-R.O.C. nationals starting from January 1, 2021, and tightens quarantine measures for travelers coming to Taiwan starting on January 15, 2021

December 30, 2020

On December 30, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) reported that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has continued to spread around the globe. The CECC stated that in consideration of the status of the COVID-19 pandemic globally, Taiwan would impose entry restrictions and quarantine regulations for non-R.O.C. nationals, effective from 00:00 am (local time at the airport of departure) on January 1, 2021, and Taiwan would strengthen quarantine measures form travelers coming to Taiwan, effective from 00:00 am on January 15, 2021.
Details about entry restrictions and quarantine regulations for non-R.O.C. nationals are listed below.
A. Non-R.O.C. nationals may enter Taiwan if they meet the following conditions:

  1. Foreign nationals: foreign nationals may enter Taiwan if they hold an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC); for diplomatic or official business; to fulfill contractual obligations; for special humanitarian reasons; when they are the spouse or the underage child of an R.O.C. national; or when they obtain other special permission.

  2. Hong Kong and Macao residents: Hong Kong and Macao residents may enter Taiwan may enter Taiwan if they hold an ARC; to fulfill contractual obligations; as part of internal transfers within multinational enterprises; when they are the spouse or the underage child of an R.O.C. national; or when they obtain permission under special programs.

  3. People from Mainland China: people from Mainland China may enter Taiwan if they hold an ARC; when they are the spouse or the underage child of an R.O.C. national; or when they obtain permission under special programs.

B. Travelers transiting through Taiwan are temporarily prohibited.

C. Short-term business travelers eligible for shortened quarantine periods in Taiwan, except for those who have obtained permission for their application, are now required to complete the 14-day home quarantine.

D. Suspending acceptance of entry applications for international medical care purpose. Special cases or emergency medical care cases are not subject to this rule.

The CECC also stated that it would tighten home quarantine measures for travelers entering Taiwan starting from January 15, 2021. Apart from the original requirement of providing a COVID-19 RT-PCR test report issued within three days of boarding, arriving travelers shall also provide proof of the place of quarantine where travelers stay to undergo quarantine (in principle, the place shall be a group quarantine facility or quarantine hotel; those who choose to undergo quarantine at home shall make an affidavit to declare they have met the requirement of one person per residence). Entry quarantine measures will be adjusted on a rolling basis depending on the status of the pandemic and implementation of those measures.

Source: Centers for Disease Control