網路醫學與系統生物實驗室 (SysMed.net) 致力發展以生物網路 (Biological Networks) 結合多體學 (Multi-omics) 資料來建構疾病調控網路模型,透過比對分析患者群體、單一患者個體 (Patient-specific)、乃至單細胞 (Single-cell) 和藥物基因組學 (Pharmacogenomics) 所建立之網路模型,應用於研發次世代精準醫療檢測技術及臨床治療決策的輔助工具。
Laboratory of Network Medicine and Systems Biology (SysMed.net) aims to integrate multi-omics data with the biological networks for establishing disease-focused regulatory network models. Via the comparative analysis of networks for bulk and individual patient data, single-cell data, as well as pharmacogenomics data, we will enable the development of the next-generation diagnostics and the clinical decision support systems.