
We will be spotlighting people, places, and things around the district! 

Please reach out to us through our Feedback form if there is any person, any place, or any thing that deserve to be Spotlighted!

Spotlight: Places 

Week of 5/2023

Little Parrot Farm!!!

We were kindly invited by the owners of Little Parrot Farm to come down and explore everything they have to offer. We were NOT disappointed! Though the space may look small there is a large abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, beautiful succulents, and lively farm animals to make any person feel they are a thousand miles away. Their vision is to to build a sustainable educational farm that demonstrates respect and care for land and living beings and to experience a world where man and nature can prosper and live harmoniously together. It is a vision we got to see up close and personal. Not only do they open up the space to the public, they also offer an array of wonderful classes and field trips! We are truly grateful that our students can have the opportunity to visit farms such as these to help educate on what it is to live clean and green. 

Check out their website below!