Community Group
Community Members can now Register for ParentSquare
Register Today!
The district has adopted the ParentSquare platform for broadcast communications. Community members are encouraged to sign-up for ParentSquare to receive messages from the district.
Important Information
Current employees and parents/guardians of students do not need to do anything. You are automatically connected to ParentSquare.
Community members who would like to continue receiving messages from the district should register for the school district’s “ParentSquare Public Community Group” to continue receiving messages at this link. Detailed registration instructions are below.
What kinds of messages will members of the Wyandanch UFSD Public Community Group receive through ParentSquare?
District announcements that pertain to the whole community (i.e. community forums and events, voting information, significant news and information)
Board Meeting Announcements
Messages about Snow Days
What else do you need to know about this transition?
ParentSquare also has an app that you can download to receive and view messages. You can find it for both Apple and Android devices.
Parent Square allows the user to customize how they receive messages.
As a community member, how do I sign-up to receive messages from the district through Parent Square?
Go to and enter your name and email address, select “Wyandanch UFSD Community Group” and click “Submit.”
You will receive an email from ParentSquare to activate your account. Click on the link that says, “Activate Your Account” in the email.
This will bring you to a screen where you will need to establish a password and accept the terms and conditions. After those are done, click “Register.”
This will bring you to a screen where you will need to verify that the account information is your own. If so, click “Yes, This is Me.” You will again be asked to verify that you would like to move forward.
This will bring you to the home page where posts/messages from the district will be displayed. Your account is active.
From that screen, how do I register for text messages and preferences?
When you are logged in to ParentSquare, in the top right hand corner of the page click on your name and then “My Account.”
To Receive Text Messages
If you would like to receive text messages, click “Edit” toward the top right side of the page. In the middle of the screen click, “Add Phone” and your phone number. A verification code will be sent your phone. Enter the code where prompted and click “Confirm” and save.
Customizing Notification Settings
Important note: Each ParentSquare post generates an email, text message and app notification to users. (Only those who confirm text messaging or download the app receive messages in those formats).
If you would like to manage your Notification Settings, click “Customize Your Settings” on the right side of the My Account page.
From there, you can turn email, app notifications, and/or text messages to OFF, INSTANT, or DIGEST. Digest means that you will get a single notice (whether email, text or app notification) at 6 p.m. with any/all messages sent that day grouped together.
If you have any questions, please contact