Barcelona, Spain

International Student Teaching Travel Log

Hola! My name is Eliza Grace Keyton. I am an elementary education major and TESOL certificate holder from Western Kentucky University. I am a senior graduating in May 2024, so Spring 2024 is my student teaching placement. I completed my traditional student teaching responsibilities at Creekside Elementary School in Georgetown, Kentucky. My final month, however, takes place in Barcelona, Spain! I am placed at Real Monasterio de Santa Isabel with Ms. Olinkhai for the month of April.


Barcelona is the largest city and capital of Catalonia, an autonumous community in Spain. It is home to almost two million people. Both Castilian Spanish and Catalan are spoken natively by nearly every Catalan. 50% of Barcelona residents identified themselves as Roman Catholic. The climate reflects its Mediterranean location, with warm weather all year round.

Collegi Reial Monestir de Santa Isabel

RMSI is a Catholic school that teaches content in three different languages: Catalan (the local language), Spanish (the national language), and English. School is from 9-4:45pm, with an hour and fifteen minute lunch break. Children wear uniforms to school. There are many great restaurants, shops, ice cream shops, and a metro all right next door!