Project Description

Healthy Waters Project is led by the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM (FEUP) in collaboration with LEPABE and CEFT (FEUP) and CIIE (FPCEUP), and consists of one Research Line strongly aligned with the specific Mission Area “Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters” under Horizon Europe (also covering the Mission Area “Soil health and food”). The activities aim to IDENTIFY contaminants and RISKS (Activity 1), ELIMINATE contaminants and VALORIZE resources (Activity 2), and EDUCATE and promote SOCIAL AWARENESS (Activity 3). If we demonstrate that we can easily identify a large number of multiclass micropollutants (already highlighted as relevant in the EU) by using new analytical tools and methodologies, these will certainly have a high demand for routine analysis in the monitoring of EU natural water bodies and wastewaters, empowering ways to follow the recently launched EU legislation (Activity 1). If we discover the way to eliminate many of these micropollutants and biological threats in those waters, the new solution is expected to derive into a commercial product (Activity 2). Moreover, if we disseminate the knowledge outcomes to the broad society through science-based environmental educational programs, the awareness and understanding of the community will increase and changes in attitudes and dispositions related to water management and preservation can be generated (Activity 3).

This will hopefully change the behaviours towards the preservation of our oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters. The forecasted results and impacts of Healthy Waters will be relevant at societal, academic, environmental and economic levels.


Activity 1. Identification & Risks 

To design new tools for routine analysis (sensors and sample preparation devices) of EU-relevant water contaminants and perform monitoring campaigns, considering the risk assessment and the associated environmental impacts.

Activity 2. Elimination & Valorisation

To develop a technology to destroy and/or remove many of these micropollutants and eliminate biological threats before reaching oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters.

Activity 3. Social Awareness & Education

To develop an educational program to be implemented in public schools to raise social awareness based on environmental topics addressed in the previous activities, seeking to understand what elements of the designed intervention, based on Participatory Research and Service Learning methodologies, are associated with positive outcomes.

Start Date: April 1, 2021

End Date: June 30, 2023