Welcome to Healthy Waters

Identification, Elimination, Social Awareness and Education of Water Chemical and Biological Micropollutants with Health and Environmental Implications

Our planet is facing new threats with the spread of pollutants in water bodies (oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters). Water is a highly sensitive natural resource and alternatives to analyse these pollutants and to minimize water contamination are required, aiming an enhanced quality of life in Northern Portugal, a societal challenge and an expected impact of this project.

In this context, Healthy Waters aims to identify and prevent the occurrence of contaminants with health and environmental implications (emerging pollutants, antibiotic resistant bacteria and their associated antibiotic resistance genes, viruses and other relevant contaminants) in water that is currently treated as waste and that can be reused in sustainable food production. Specifically, the project aims to exploit the potentialities of the tailor-made smart design of materials and methodologies to identify micropollutants and compare ways for their elimination in waters and wastewaters by using oxidation/separation and bioremediation processes. The transfer of knowledge to the civil society (Citizen Science) is also considered in the project, so that citizens can identify where these pollutants exist in their daily routine and consumption habits, becoming not only aware of this theme, but soon being able to identify and discuss specific environmental problems in their community. This knowledge transfer will take place in the context of formal education (primary and secondary education, involving researchers, students and teachers), using a participatory research-action logic.