Featured talks and papers

Featured Publications

Find the full list of my publications at Google Scholar

Journal Publications

  • Vuln4Real: A Methodology for Counting Actually Vulnerable Dependencies, IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering (6.112), 2020. - author-accepted manuscript

A*/A Publications

  • Technical Leverage in a Software Ecosystem: Development Opportunities and Security Risks, To appear in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (A*), 2021 - preprint

  • A Qualitative Study of Dependency Management and Its Security Implications, In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) (A*), 2020 - preprint

  • Vulnerable Open Source Dependencies: Counting Those That Matter. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM2018) (A), 2018. - paper

  • Delta-Bench: Differential Benchmark for Static Analysis Security Testing Tools. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM2017) (A), 2017. - paper

Workshop and Poster Publications

  • Please hold on: more time = more patches? Automated program repair as anytime algorithms. To Appear in Proceedings of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - Automated Program Repair (APR) workshop (A*), 2021 - preprint

  • Secure Software Development in the Era of Fluid Multi-party Open Software and Services. To Appear in ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE-NIER) (A*), 2021 - page

  • Poster: Towards Using Source Code Repositories to Identify Software Supply Chain Attacks. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) (A*), 2020 - preprint

  • Typosquatting and Combosquatting Attacks on the Python Ecosystem. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Attackers and Cyber-Crime Operations (WACCO 2020), 2020 - preprint

  • Preliminary Findings on FOSS Dependencies and Security A Qualitative Study on Developers’ Attitudes and Experience. Poster. In Proceedings of 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) (A*), 2020 - preprint, poster, video

  • FOSS Version Differentiation as a Benchmark for Static Analysis Security Testing Tools. In Proceedings of 2017 11th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE’17) (A*), 2017. - paper

Other Publications

  • Technical Leverage: dependencies mixed blessing. To Appear in IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine - Dept. Building Security In, 2021 - preprint

  • Intelligent technologies for smart grid security system. In Proc. of Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Making Support (ITIDS). 2016.

  • Smart Grid security rule base design. In Proc. of Intelligent Technologies for Information Processing and Management (ITIPM). 2015

  • Design of Smart Grid security ontology. In Proc. of Intelligent Technologies for Information Processing and Management (ITIPM). 2014

Featured talks:

Github Satellite Virtual 2020 - Dependency hell or Developers' Perception of Software Dependencies. (>6500 online listeners) - description, youtube

Global Summit for Java Devs’20 - A Lesson from the Trenches: Making Dependency Management Secure (>200 online listeners) - slides, video

SFScon-2019 - Say No to the Dependency Hell - (>100 attendees) - video

Other talks:

Speck&Tech #31 - Open Security - We say No to the Dependency Hell - slides, video

ESSOS-2017 (Bonn, Germany) - poster

We don't WannaCry (Trento, Italy) - slides

ICT Days 2017 (Trento, Italy) - poster

ESSOS-2016 Doctoral Symposium (London, United Kingdom) - slides

EIT Digital Security Symposium / European Cyber Week 2016 (Rennes, France) - poster

IBKVO-2015 Annual conference on cyber security of critical infrastructures (Moscow, Russia) - slides

Contact me at:

E-mail: ivan.pashchenko[at]unitn.it Twitter: @ivPashenko Skype: ivanpashchenko My LinkedIn page: LinkedIn