UKY College of Education

Graduate Student Writing Group

Hosted by the Student Organization of the Department of Educational Policy Studies & Evaluation

Welcome to all who are dissertating, researching, or writing for other purposes in UKY's College of Education! Quite a few of us over in EPE are shifting from coursework to independent research in 2019, so we formed a sort of writing support group to help us stay on track. All graduate students in the College of Education (and anyone else who's really eager) are welcome to join us! See different options to get connected below.

How to Connect:

*Join our GroupMe here for phone/text access to the group and message anytime

*Work with us in person in Taylor Education Building this summer: in the Student Success Center (151) and TA office (142).

*A group spreadsheet is below (live link is here);. Add yourself so that we can create an email listserv, and everyone can see other's projects and goals.

Writing Group Members
Book report

Interested in getting involved with the EPE Student Organization (EPESO)?

Email and she'll get us in touch with you, and check out the main EPESO page at the top right of this site!