Financial Modeling in Excel

Instructor: Leon Shpaner

Corporate Finance is a rigorous discipline that involves strategic problem solving. Upon examining the many nuances of calculating various numeric figures, a micro-level breakdown via Excel is necessary in taking the subject apart, and ultimately, in measuring key performance indicators (KPIs). As such, it becomes imperative to rely on an important, yet often overlooked sub-discipline of Financial Modeling.

This provides insight into the various elements of a company's performance and helps us forecast growth while remembering that past performance is not indicative of future results. Essentially, we are taking a complex puzzle with many moving pieces apart, only to piece it back together as a simpler, more efficient, and reliable tool.

In this endeavor, we will examine the following:

The accompanying lecture slides are provided as resources on this site and are not to be used outside of this course without the author's (Leon Shpaner) permission.

©  2018 Leon Shpaner