Time Management

Meeting Multiple Goals as a TA, Grad Student, and Human

Workshop Description

Being a TA can be challenging. You juggle research, teaching schedules, important meetings, and your personal life. There is no universal roadmap for how to keep all of these priorities balanced and sequenced properly, but this workshop will help you organize your quarterly schedule and prioritize tasks according to importance and urgency. You will learn strategies to achieve balance and identify online and campus resources to support your time-management goals. 

Learning Objectives

After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

Workshop Materials

2022 Time Management - Slides


Please save to your own Google drive or download
2022 Time Management - Participant Packet

Participant Packet

Please save to your Google Drive or download.
2022 Time Management Group Worksheet

Group Worksheet

Please use for group breakout activities
Time Management Workbook TEMPLATE

Time Management Workbook

Please save a copy to your Google Drive or download

Time Management - Resource Packet

Resource Packet

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