"5G causes coronavirus"

5G is the telecommunication industry’s name for the “5th Generation” of cell phone networks that will allow for high speed connections with the Internet. 5G cell towers emit radio waves at higher frequencies in comparison to 4G, which has given them the name millimeter-waves (mmWaves).

One simple reason why we know that 5G is not causing the global pandemic is that countries that do not even have 5G towers have coronavirus cases. Additionally, a paper published in the National Library of Medicine claiming 5G directly causes coronavirus has been removed due to a lack of scientific evidence.

Some think that mmWaves can cause diseases because of their high frequency. But that would mean that the color violet causes coronavirus, because violet light is emitted at a frequency of 750,000 gigaHertz. 5G signals are comparatively low-frequency light waves (3.5 to tens of gigaHertz) in the whole of the electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light (colors we can see) has frequencies ranging from 400,000 to 750,000 gigaHertz but does not cause diseases.

5G signals cannot cause someone to be “cooked from the inside out,” because radio waves from cell towers can only cause a slight increase in temperature at the skin’s surface (less than 0.1% of a degree). But don’t microwaves use 2.5 gigaHertz radio waves? If microwaves can cook food, why don’t 5G radio waves cook humans?

The difference is in the intensity of the light rays, or light power delivered per unit area. In a microwave, a device called a magnetron emits a concentrated beam of 2.5 gigaHertz radio waves that bounce around the inside of a microwave. Because of the high intensity light beam, a microwave can heat up food quickly. However, the radio waves from cell towers spread out from the source, so someone can only be exposed to dangerous amounts of millimeter-waves if they are sitting underneath a cell tower or are right in front of it.

So we can safely say that 5G towers don’t spread coronavirus or burn people alive. But how do we know whether or not 5G signals make us prone to coronavirus? Some people have expressed concerns that 5G signals are not a direct cause of the pandemic, but they do cause other health problems that weaken the immune system.

However, if this were the case, wouldn’t there be a rise in cases for all diseases? If the immune system of an individual becomes weaker, that individual becomes more prone to any virus, not just COVID-19. Generally, there have not been spikes in cases for other viral diseases like the flu since the rollout of 5G, and many studies have shown no link between a weaker immune system and 5G connections.

In sum, 5G is not responsible for the coronavirus pandemic. It does not spread the virus, and there is no evidence that 5G weakens the body to make people more prone to coronavirus.

(A side note: others are concerned that radio waves can cause cancer. With the emergence of cell phone technology, a range of studies have found that radio waves do not cause cancer. Cancer is caused by alterations to DNA, but radio waves do not have enough energy to directly affect DNA. However, other papers cite concerns that the link to cancer has been disproven by insufficient and biased evidence. Additionally, 5G towers will increase exposure to millimeter-waves, which have not been studied as well as previous network generations (2G and 3G). So, in the scientific community, the link between cancer and 5G (as well as other cell phone signals) is still being investigated, though it is scientifically improbable that 5G can cause cancer.)