Work in Progress

(students, former students, and post-doctoral advisees are underlined) 

How Subsidies Affect Contraceptive Use among Low-Income Women in the U.S.: A Randomized Control Trial

(with Vanessa Lang, Iris Vrioni, Lea Bart, Daniel Eisenberg, Paula Fomby, Jennifer Barber, and Vanessa Dalton),  NBER Working Paper. Online Appendix.

✵     Related policy proposal through the Hamilton Project Increasing Financial Access to Contraception for Low-Income Americans

The Demographic Legacy of Vietnam: Evidence from the 1969 Draft Lottery 

(with Eric Chyn), January 2022, revision requested at Journal of Human Resources. 

U.S. Educational Mobility in the Early Twentieth Century

(with A.R. Shariq Mohammed and Paul Mohnen), November 2022.

U.S. Childbearing, the Second Demographic Transition, and U.S. Inequality