Letter* to the UCLA Community in Response to the Encampment Attack on April 30, 2024

*From a subset of the faculty within the Department Epidemiology, Fielding School of Public Health 

Dear UCLA Community,


We are writing to you as faculty of the epidemiology department to address a matter of grave concern that has deeply impacted our community. The events that transpired on the night of April 30 2024 have left us profoundly disturbed by the violent attack on our students and others during their protest and the apparent lack of protection they received. The violent mob (many who seemed to be not affiliated with UCLA), armed with toxic bear spray, fireworks, and various makeshift weapons, launched a vicious assault on those within the encampment. Despite the distressing situation, security personnel and campus police failed to intervene, leaving many vulnerable and exposed. Additionally, student journalists and faculty members outside the encampment were also apparently subjected to threats and physical assaults.

The inaction of the authorities, who stood by while the violence unfolded, is deeply troubling. Reports from faculty members present at the scene indicated that the police and security personnel, rather than ensuring safety, retreated. The lack of immediate medical assistance for those injured only compounded the seriousness of the situation.

It is disheartening to witness aggression directed at any of our students and community. Everyone’s viewpoint deserves to be heard, without fear of harm. The failure of the university to fulfill its duty to safeguard students largely contributed to the distressing circumstances that unfolded. In light of these troubling events, we are calling for accountability and swift action to address the lapses in ensuring the safety and well-being of our university community. It is crucial that the university upholds its commitment to protecting students' rights to peaceful protest and provides the necessary support to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

We urge each member of our university community to stand together in solidarity and advocate for immediate measures to rectify this situation. Let us reaffirm our shared values of safety, respect, and academic freedom, ensuring that every individual within our community feels safe, supported, and heard. Together, we can work towards creating a safe and inclusive environment for all members of our UCLA community.


Signed by the following UCLA Epidemiology Faculty:

Names will continue to be added at the request of faculty in the department. 

Matthew J. Mimiaga, Professor 

Beate Ritz, Distinguished Professor

Sung-Jae Lee, Professor-in-Residence

Najib Aziz, Adjunct Professor

Roger Detels, Distinguished Professor

Dallas Swendeman, Professor

Elizabeth Rose Mayeda, Associate Professor

Nathan D. Wong, Adjunct Professor

Niklas Krause, Professor Emeritus

Nina Harawa, Professor

Julia Bailey, Professor

Marissa Seamans, Assistant Professor