
On this page of our Google site, you'll find additional resources that will give you more in-depth information about some of the topics that were discussed in the workshop, as well as some tools and ideas that we didn't have time to get to. If you would like to suggest a resource to add to this page, please email Michelle Gaston.

Creating Community

Leading discussions

Tools for Discussions:

    • CCLE Discussion Boards -- Good as a low-stakes writing area, journal entries, reading responses (esp. A Q&A Forum where students can only see others’ posts after posting their own)

    • Slack -- Good for asynchronous discussion (more on that in a minute)

    • Google Docs -- Good for balancing asynchronous and synchronous discussions (more on that in a minute)

    • GroupMe -- Not officially approved, but students are comfortable with it as a social media site

    • Discord -- also not officially approved, but many students are already here

Engaging Students

Tools for Engaging Students:

Assessing online participation

Concerns Specific to TAs

Assisting Distressed and Distressing Students

Communicating with your instructor of record (IOR) and other TAs in your department

  • Establishing Shared Expectations Between Instructor and TA(s) - a draft contract between instructors and TAs to help establish clear expectations on both sides

  • Instructor-TA Checklist - this checklist was designed for IOR for communicating with TAs, but it can be reverse engineered to help you think through the kinds of questions you should ask your instructor before the course begins, what kinds of communication and support you need throughout the quarter, and what you will need to do at the end of the quarter.

General resources for remote teaching


Some of the tools used here are not on the official UCLA approved remote teaching tools list. However, tools can be reviewed on a use case basis by your department's IT department.