
Dr. Yong Chen

Principal Investigator

Ph.D. Materials Science & Engineering - U.C. Berkeley (1996) 

Current Research: Materials, devices, circuits, and fabrication techniques for intelligent systems

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Dhruva Nathan

PhD Researcher

BASc Nanotech Engineering - University of Waterloo(2015) 

M.S. Mechanical Engineering - UCLA(2018) 

Current Research: Design and fabrication of synaptic electronic devices  

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Rahul Shenoy

PhD Researcher

B.S. & M.S. Mechanical Engineering - Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (2016) 

Current Research: Synaptic resistor circuits for real time inference and learning

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Zixuan Rong

PhD Researcher

B.S. Materials Science and Engineering - UCLA(2017)

M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering - UCLA(2018) 

Current Research: Design and fabrication of synaptic electronic devices

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JungMin Lee 

PhD Researcher 

B.S. & M.S. Mechanical Engineering - Yonsei University (2016)

Current Research: Devices and circuits for neuromorphic computing  

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Work Experience: LG Electronics - Senior Researcher(2016-2018) 

Dawei Gao

PhD Researcher 

B.S. Materials Science and Engineering - UIUC 

Current Research: Materials and fabrication of neuromorphic circuit

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Atharva Sunil Deo

PhD Researcher

B.S. Mechanical Engineering - NITK Surathkal, India 

Current Research: Data Analysis of Morphing wing 

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Bharathwaj Suresh

Masters Researcher

 B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering -  BITS Pilani, India (2020) 

Current Research: Digital Circuit and System Design for Synaptic Resistance-Switching Devices and their Applications 

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Prabal Bhatnagar

Masters Researcher

B.Tech Electrical Engineering (2020) - Indian Institute of Technology Goa, India

Current Research: Design and simulation of circuits and architecture using Synsters 

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Daniel Lin

Undergraduate Research Assistant

4th year Aerospace Engineering Student - UCLA 

Current Research: N/A

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