

Example 1 -- French 4

Take-Home Composition (Low Stakes)

Mode Assigned -- Guillaume Apollinaire-like Calligram

Seminar (16 Students)

All used with Student Permission


Composition 1 Rubric.docx

Example 2 -- French 41

Final Assignment -- High Stakes

Mode Assigned-ish -- Group Video (Choice of Round Table, News Production, etc.)

Lecture with Discussion (120 Students; 20 Students)

All used with Student Permission

Assignment (Not Written by Us)

Videocast - final project for French 41 (Fall 2020)

Your final project for French 41 is a multi-stage group project that involves working in a small group (with classmates in your section) to create a videocast in which you review, analytically, a film of your group’s choosing.

The project is worth 40 points total, and points are assessed both individually and on elements of group work.

What is involved with the project?

To create your videocast you will work with a small group of peers to select a French film (not included on the French 41 syllabus). Your choice of film will be guided by the themes, questions, problems, and ideas of this class--in other words, the film you choose should have something to do with race, ethnicity, class, or difference.

Once you’ve selected your film, you will 1) view the film; 2) engage with your group in an analytical discussion of the film’s narrative, formal, and political dimensions; 3) develop an approach to your videocast (ie, a “script”); 4) film your videocast; 5) and share it with your section. You will also have an opportunity to view and discuss your classmates’ videocasts.

What is the point of this project?

  • It gives you an opportunity to put all the knowledge and skills you’ve developed this quarter to work

  • It offers you the chance to explore contemporary French cinema, above and beyond what’s been presented to you on the syllabus

  • It allows you to show off your originality and creativity

  • It takes the material of French 41 beyond the classroom

  • It offers you flexibility in terms of setting your work schedule

  • It gives you training in group work, an essential “life-skill”

Sample Feedback/Assessment.docx

Sample Feedback/Assessment

Example Projects

Analysis of Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont.mp4

Pierrot's Parisian Platypuses

Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont/African Doctor

Analysis of Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au bon Dieu.mp4

Came to Plait

Mais Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au bon Dieu/

Serial Bad Weddings

Analysis of Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont.mov

Good Un Oeuf

Bienvenue à Marly-Gomont/African Doctor

Analysis of Divines.mp4



Analysis of Divines.mp4

Les Incroyables


Student 2 Self-Reflection Anonymous.pdf

Sample Self-Reflection


Example 3 -- Women & Power in the Ancient World

Final Assignment -- High Stakes

Mode Assigned- Digital Museum

Hybrid lecture with discussion sections (20 students per section; 300 total)

Used with Student Permission

Assignment 2 Museum_Exhibit.pdf

Rubric for AN N EA 15: Women & Power in the Ancient World | Digital Museum Project

Example 4 -- Re-imagining Digital Museums for ESL 25

Final Assignment -- High Stakes

Mode Assigned -- Digital Museum

3-week Summer intensive course (20 students)


Rubric for ESL 25: Academic Reading & Writing | Digital Museum Portfolio

Example 5 -- Cluster GE Seminar (Writing II)

Final Assignment (High Stakes)

Choice of Mode

21 Students (Seminar)

All used with Student Permission

A Tale as Old as Time Syllabus (SP20)

Syllabus (with all assignments)

Schiffman Tale As Old As Time Final (Multimodal) Assignment

Annotated Assignment

Please note the comments and links throughout the document, including to the sample assignments I provided the students.

Disney Final Project Rubric.docx

Rough Notes from Student Assessment Creation Discussion

Example Projects

Marlene Final Proposal -- Graphic Novel.docx

Sample Proposal

Marlene Smith

Vinita Reflection.pdf

Sample Self-Reflection

Vinita Saxena

Kat Podcast.mp3

Kat Hernandez -- Three Little Pigs

Vinita Play Script.pdf

Vinita Saxena -- Rapunzel

Anonymous 2 Story Version.pdf

Anonymous -- Rapunzel

Vanessa Rapunzel Drafts No Comments.pdf

Vanessa Torres Escobedo -- Rapunzel

Anonymous Fairytale.pdf

Anonymous -- Rapunzel

Marlene Smith -- The Selkie Bride

Graphic Novel

Ashwathi Version.pdf

Ashwathi Nair -- Rapunzel

Vivian Xu Fairytale.pdf

Vivian Xu -- Taming a Shrewish Wife

Sophia B Version No Comments.docx

Sophia Bosque -- Rapunzel

Purva Joshi -- Jack and the Beanstalk

Kaitlyn Ang -- Twelve Dancing Princesses

Ipsita Version.pdf

Ipsita Srinivas -- Vasilisa the Beautiful

Joy Lee -- Rapunzel

Isabel IG Post

Isabel Filson -- Godfather Death

Sophia Newton Fairytale.pdf

Sophia Newton -- Snow White

Lea Outfit Design.pdf

Lea Chinn -- Sleeping Beauty

Karyn Video.mov

Karyn How -- Rapunzel

Example 6 -- Psychiatry 175

One of the Final Assignment -- Medium-High Stakes

Choice of Everything

Lecture (120 Students)

All used with Student Permission

Assignment (Not Written by Us)

Mindfulness project

This is an opportunity to reflect on and share what mindfulness means to you, and I hope you will find something significant to focus on; and that you will find a way to work on it that is meaningful for you.

Creative project. You might develop a project of some sort using a form of art of your choice. It can be a form of creative expression even if not exactly known as art. (What does that mean exactly? I do not know. You tell me.) This can be a fine option for this course even if your primary interests are scientific or theoretical! --If you choose this approach you also should include a brief (1-2 page) written discussion of: (i) what you want to do relative to one or more of the learning objectives of the course; (ii) how you are doing what you set out to do; (iii) who the audience is you have in mind; and (iv) input on how your work should be graded.A few examples: video; graphic comic; music composition; music performance; poetry; play; podcast; improvisational comedy; performance art; painting; sculpture; some other art form; or some other thing that is not known as an art form such as pertaining to political action; or to athletics. The creative project option can be done in collaboration with one or more other students.

There are three steps, one optional, for the Mindfulness Project. (1) a one page (maximum) project proposal, due by noon Wed Feb 10. If you are collaborating on the project with another person, you should specify carefully the roles of each participant in the project.Brief feedback/ approval of proposal from Bethany Schiffman. (2) Project submission for peer review. Due Wed Feb 24.(3) Mindfulness project due: noon Friday March 5.(4) (depending on interest) --Optional “community sharing” of projects TBD. Your grade on the project will be based on (3) alone.

Sample Feedback

Creative Project Presentation W21.pdf

Presentation Introducing the Assignment

Example Projects

Brandon Zirulnikoff Creative Project.mp4

Brandon Zirulnikoff

Katie Hayden Creative Project.mp4

Katie Hayden

Angel Navarro Creative Project.mp4

Angel Navarro

Anonymous Creative Project and Write-Up.pdf


Elena Leon Guerrero Creative Project.pdf

Elena Leon Guerrero

Yaochi Li Creative Project.pdf

Yaochi Li

Christina Lei Creative Project 2.mp4

Christina Lei

Chloe Orsini

Molly Vendig Creative Project.mov

Molly Vendig

Melanie Moreno Creative Project and Write-Up.pdf

Melanie Moreno