What is paganism?

Paganism is an umbrella term for nature-based, non-mainstream religions. In fact, the word "pagan" originally meant "country dweller" or "of the land." 

Paganism is extremely broad, so beliefs vary from person to person. It's typically associated with being polytheistic, however some pagans don't believe in any god at all!

Why does this club exist?

We want to create a safe space for pagans; a spirituality that rarely involves community. We hope to get like-minded people together to discuss topics that they otherwise (typically) can't share. 

We also hope to destigmatize paganism at Syracuse University so that students understand what it truly means to be pagan. We work with other groups associated with Hendricks for this exact reason-- to spread the word!

How big of a commitment is SPIRAL?

We currently meet every Tuesday, however if you can't make it: don't worry! It is not meant to add stress to your already stressful college schedule. This is a group intended to bring together like-minded people, give us a space to be ourselves, and discuss topics we usually don't get the chance to discuss with others! The commitment of this club completely depends on how involved you want to be. Some attend every meeting and ritual, some attend rituals, and some are working behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly. 

I want to join! What do I do?

Click the Mailing List tab at the bottom of the page and follow our Instagram! Also, for updates, join our Slack at the bottom. 

Where do we meet?

We meet at Hendricks Chapel, typically every Tuesday. Meeting times change as needed, so pay attention to your email, the Instagram, and/or the Slack (all listed at the bottom of every page on this site). 

How often do we meet?

We meet every other Sunday at Hendricks Chapel. Our Calendar page lists all our meeting dates, including ritual dates. 

What topics are discussed at SPIRAL?

We discuss topics ranging from herbs to the history of paganism. If you have any topics you wish to discuss, feel free to mention it at any of our meetings. We all want to continue learning!

What's a "Skill Chill?"

A skill chill takes place the first meeting of every month-- assuming we have someone who wants to lead one that month! 

One of our members leads an informative session on whatever topic they choose. Past topics included tarot, spell jars, and spell making. 

If you are interested in running one yourself, feel free to reach out via Instagram or Slack (found at the bottom of the page). 

Do I have to have my own equipment to join?

NO! If you just started, or you don't have anything, this is a great place to start. We have pendulums, tarot cards, and crystals for the group to use (but please don't take them!). Just bring yourself! 

Are there any good readings on paganism?

YES! We have our own book list on the Bulletin, as well as our own personal library at Hendricks. Feel free to DM us on Instagram for more information!

My question isn't on this page! What do I do?

DM us on Instagram with any questions you may have, or join the Slack at the bottom of this page!