The 5th Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium (ACTS-2021), 26-28 May 2021, Pattaya, Thailand

-Due to the COVID-19 situation, ACTS-2021 will be conducted fully online via ZOOM.

-Deadline for abstract submission is extended to 31 March 2021

The Asian Crystallization Technology Society has been founded in 2011 with the aim to provide a forum for academic researchers, scientists and industry experts in Asia and all around the world to discuss recent advances in crystallization science and process technology. Accordingly, the Asian Crystallization Technology Symposium was first held in 2012 in Korea, followed by 2014 in Japan, 2016 in China and 2018 in Singapore. The 5th Symposium in the series, ACTS-2021, will take place in Pattaya, Thailand from 26-28 May 2021, organized by Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC) and Suranaree University of Technology (SUT). The program will include plenary lectures, invited lectures, oral presentations and poster presentations.

Topics for the Conference

Crystallization fundamentals: nucleation, growth, agglomeration, thermodynamics, solution structure etc.

Crystallization process design, development and scale up: process design and modelling, PAT, process monitoring, optimization, control etc.

Crystal engineering and product design: novel solid forms, multi-component crystal, crystal structure characterization, molecular simulation, polymorphism, solvates, amorphous, salts, nano-crystals, co-crystals, chiral separation, surface crystallization, protein crystallization etc.

Industrial challenges: novel crystallization process, continuous processing, emulsion crystallization, melt crystallization, crystallization processes for sustainability, downstream processing and formulation with relevance to crystallization etc.