Social/ Emotional Support

The team of social workers at the high school have created a variety of technological resources which include contact information and resources available to students and their families. Please click any of the links below to access this information.

Helpful Resources

Positive Psychology ( – provides 23 resilience training activities that can be used with teens and adults to foster resilience skills. This also provides powerpoints and resources to teach teens and adults the skills they need to be resilient and bounce back from setbacks. Additionally, it offers a “mental toughness" test and training used by the Army to build mental toughness.

Just for Teens: A Personal Plan for Managing Stress (

Managing Stress in Teens and Adolescents: A Guide for Parents

GoZen ( - GoZen! creates online social and emotional learning programs loved by kids ages 5-15, parents, professionals, and schools. Our mission is to reach 1 million kids with skills to transform stress, anxiety, worry, anger, perfectionism, negativity, and social worry into POWER in the year 2020!

Big Life Growth Mindset Journal ( At Big Life Journal, we create engaging resources that help kids develop a growth and resilient mindset so they can face life’s challenges with confidence.

Positive Psychology ( - this link includes 27 different activities related to building resilience for children and adults. It focuses on activities to help individuals bounce back from struggles and setbacks.

For children who need/benefit from visual schedules ( - These free printable visual schedules for home and daily routines might help make things easier.

Resource Guide - Public (Read-only) (2) (1).docx