Zipeng Guo

Kate Gleason College of Engineering

Rochester Institute of Technology


Office: James E. Gleason Hall-1565

Address: 81 Lomb Memorial Drive, GLE-1565. Rochester, NY 14623

Research interests: Metal additive manufacturing, Sustainable circular manufacturing, and Biomanufacturing. 

Lab facilities: AMPrint Center

Zipeng’s current research focuses on developing a versatile multi-stage additive manufacturing process for multi-scale structures, process modeling and simulation, and functional material characterization. His research outcomes have been recognized across several societies and found promising applications in energy conservation, biomedical implantation, electronic devices, carbon neutralization, and renewable energy conversion. The research outcomes have been published and highlighted in prestigious journals, including PNAS, Nature Communications, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, and Additive Manufacturing.


Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering. State University of New York at Buffalo, 2023

M.S., Industrial and Systems Engineering. State University of New York at Buffalo, 2019

M.S., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. State University of New York at Buffalo, 2018

B.Eng., Vehicle Engineering, Hunan University, 2016

Opening (Fall 2025)

Our lab is actively recruiting graduate students. Students with M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or a closely related field are highly encouraged to apply. 

Prior research experience in 3D printing, robotics, material characterization, and physics-based modeling is highly preferred. We encourage interested individuals to contact Dr. Guo with a CV. I will reach out to applicants for further discussion if there is a potential match.