
This design is for a multi-use building in a Swedish neighbourhood that features a bank and a post office on the split first floor and 2/3 bedroom apartments on the second and third floors. There is engaging fenestration to welcome people in and the red and blue colours were chosen in accordance with the inspirational countries (Sweden and Turkey) national flags and flowers for the bank and post office. The design behind the living spaces was to encourage an outside-living environment. This is the common way for Swedish residents to live, as it is also customary for people living in Turkey. The essential requirements for a home are in these tight-knit apartments to promote socialization between different cultures, perhaps on the green balcony that residents can access on the third floor. The simplistic and sleek design of both the residential and commercial areas work to provide citizens and visitors with the environment to get to know one another and live intermingled rather than completely separately. 


 First Floor Bank and Post Office


Mood Board

Floor Plan

Exploded Axonometric


 Second and Third Floor Apartments


Mood Board

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan


This project was created for RIT Interior Design's Introduction to Interior Design II course. Located in Malmo, Sweden, this neighbourhood is a good stepping stone for all different cultures who find themselves in close proximity to be able to share their cultures and beliefs.