Parkhill's Counselors

Peggy Dowell Counselor A-L


Get to know me!

Anna Granberry Intervention Counselor

Learn about me!

Student Data Specialist

Maria Lawson, Student Data Specialist


This is me!

Vision: Build better humans who strive for success, follow their dreams, and realize their greatest potential..

Mission: Parkhill counseling program will provide a proactive and comprehensive counseling program to support students’ academic goals and social/emotional needs.  We will partner with students, parents, faculty, and community stakeholders to ensure that all students connect, learn, grow, and succeed.

Parent Portal

Parents: Has your student ever told you they're caught up on all their work and their grades are fine, only to find out later that's not true?!! 

What if you could check your student's grades any time you wanted to rather than wait for progress notes and report cards?

AND check to see if they were missing any assignments

AND make sure absences have been excused

AND make sure your student gets to class on time?  

Sound great?!! Then you'll love this news: you can get 24/7 access to all this information plus your student's schedule, quick links to teacher emails, and much more! Click on the Focus icon on the right (the owl) to get started!

How to Receive Grade Notifications from Focus

English Instructions

Instrucciones en Español

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