CIS (Communities in Schools)

C.I.S. is a student support program that provides a wide variety of services to students and families. Our main focus is case managing students who have been classified as “at-risk” according to TEA standards. The services we offer vary depending on the needs of each student, but they are all in place with the aim of keeping students in school and on track for graduation. Some of the services we offer are: supportive guidance, academic tutoring and monitoring, mentoring, social service assistance and referrals, community service opportunities, college assistance, pre-employment/employment information and enrichment activities. Our program is completely free to all students who want to join. You can refer any students to us that you believe would benefit from our programming. Student referral sheets can be found in all of the teacher work rooms, as well as attached to this email, or feel free to call any of us with any questions or concerns about a student. Once we are referred a student, we will follow up with them and their families to obtain parent/guardian consent to work with the student.