Mrs. Franklin's

Counseling Page



Hi families and students of Honeydew!

I have decided to create this page as a way to try and stay connected to you all in this very different time for our school, community, and nation as a whole. I am sad that I do not have the same opportunity that I normally do to be involved in your daily school lives, but I hope that this website is helpful!

On this site you will have information on how to contact me or let me know that you want me to contact you with a check-in form. You will also find videos that I have created that are fun to watch or activities for you to do. There are resources by grade level for students and families to explore. This is something that will grow over time, so if there is something that you need, please let me know.

More than anything in this time I want to remind you all that you are so important and cared for! Right now it is crucial that we all make sure we are doing everything we can to take care of ourselves and each other. Don't forget that just because I don't see you all everyday that it doesn't mean that I am not here for you or thinking about you. I will continue to do all I can to help support YOU and our community every step of the way. Please let me know how I can help!

-Mrs. Franklin

In the event of a mental health emergency, please call 911 or the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255