Occupational Therapy

Ms. Jonna's occupational therapy page

Although plans may look different for the summer months, I hope that it is filled with fun, family, and memories. Please use some of these activities below as inspiration to create memories and work on fine motor skills. I look forward to seeing you all at Cascade Elementary in September, I will be smiling big even if it is covered by a mask! I will be checking my email sporadically over the summer so please reach out if you want to share something. -Ms. Jonna

I miss you and looking forward to seeing you next school year!

If your child receives special education services, a case manager will be contacting you to develop the Continuous Learning Plan (CLP). Please refer to this Continuous Learning Plan for your child’s services and consult with the special education teacher, speech pathologist (SLP), occupational therapist (OT), and/or physical therapist (PT) for additional guidance.

Natasha Brandon, k-2 ILCS teacher - natasha.brandon@rentonschools.us

Thomas James, 3-5 ILCS substitute teacher - thomas.james@rentonschools.us

Evelina Zaremba, k-3 resource room teacher - evelina.zaremba@rentonschools.us

Michelle Koon, 4-5 resource room teacher - michelle.koon@rentonschools.us

Sara Jerger, SLP - sara.jerger@rentonschools.us

Jordan Garcia Alvarez, SLP - jordan.garciaalvarez@rentonschools.us

Jennifer Thor, PT - jennifer.thor@rentonschools.us