5th Grade

at-home learning

Maplewood Heights

June 19th - Last Day of School

5th grade material Pick-Up and Goodbye 3-5 pm June 19th

It's time to celebrate your hard work and at-home learning. Click on the days of the week below for more information on each event.


Your Fifth Grade Teachers and Specialists

Mrs. Freiwaldt - Corrie.Freiwaldt@rentonschools.us

Mr. Kaku - Tai.Kaku@rentonschools.us

Mrs. Penk - Roslyn.RowleyPenk@rentonschools.us

Mr. Porter - Jeff.Porter@rentonschools.us

Mrs. Webb - Laurie.Webb@rentonschools.us

PE: PE Activities

Music: Music Activities

Library: Library Activities

LAP Support

ELL Support: Ms. McCoy, Mrs. Vue

Other Supports: Other Supports

If your family needs assistance

Link to our school Counselor Sarah Atchison: Counselor Corner

We created a video for you this week! Before you start it, get a piece of plain paper and a pencil, pen, or tool of confidence!

Art Drawing Video.mp4

Hello 5th Grade Families

It is the week June 8th! We sure hope that you have enjoyed the learning we have set up for you! By now, all of you have hopefully made your “Graduation Cap” and have sent a pic to your teacher. Now remember, you are not really ‘graduating’, you are moving up to grade 6. Learning is LIFELONG, we all love learning!

Take a look at this week’s activities. Make sure to ask questions by emailing your teacher. You can share questions also at your classroom Zoom meeting this week.

Take a look at the PE page this week - there is a super fun video for you! And there are so many 'other learning opportunities", one page could hardly hold them.

We know that you are looking forward to the summer. The official last day of school for the year is June 19th. Until then, keep on learning!

We sure miss each and every one of you! We LOVE getting your work! Keep it up!

Your Grade 5 Teachers

Hi Fifth Grade Families!

Wow! Welcome to June! Can you ‘smell’ the summer coming? Get excited for some fun learning this week! Whether it is Math, ELA, Science or Social Studies, we have some great stuff here for your brain! Yippee for Learning!

Make sure to check out FlipGRID. Have fun with it. Make sure to read the information about making your Graduation Cap. It is on the link, “ Other Learning Opportunities”. Come by the school, pick up the materials, and send your teacher a pic by June 12th. If you aren't able to pick up the materials, let us know!

Ever hear of an Easter Egg? No, not the bunny kind. I wonder if there are any here? 1, 2, 5? Think eggs!

We look forward to seeing you on Zoom this week! Do your best and make sure to reach out to us with any questions! We miss you!

It's great to be in this together

The Maplewood 5th Grade Team

Your Fifth Grade Teachers

Mrs. Freiwaldt - Corrie.Freiwaldt@rentonschools.us

Mr. Kaku - Tai.Kaku@rentonschools.us

Mrs. Penk - Roslyn.RowleyPenk@rentonschools.us

Mr. Porter - Jeff.Porter@rentonschools.us

Mrs. Webb - Laurie.Webb@rentonschools.us

PE: PE Activities

Music: Music Activities

Library: Library Activities

LAP Support

ELL Support: Ms. McCoy, Mrs. Vue

Link to a cool Easter Egg Site

Other Supports: Other Supports

If your family needs assistance

Link to our school Counselor Sarah Atchison: Counselor Corner

Hi Fifth Grade Students and Families!

It is May 25th!! Can you believe it? Happy Memorial Day!

This U.S. federal holiday is observed on the last Monday of May to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the military. We owe very much to them. Here is a link if you would like to learn more: Memorial Day History

School is out in just over 3 weeks, and then you will be going into sixth grade! Yay! Middle School is SO much fun!!! You will be around kids YOUR age now! BUT, first you have the summer to enjoy!

How is the learning on this site going? Are you checking out the MUSIC and PE sites too? Have you checked out the new eBooks in the Library? Make sure to add a video to Flip Grid! It is fun, educational, and only for our 5th grade. Remember to DO YOUR BEST on any of the work here, and make sure to ask questions of your teacher. Also, there are some fun "Other Learning Opportunities" this week - check them out. Don't forget to play our game!

We can’t wait to see the great work you all do this week! Stay healthy, stay safe and keep learning! We miss you! Keep up the great work!! We miss you all!

Yours in Education,

The Maplewood 5th Grade Team

Click on the link if you dare!! The link will connect you to FlipGRID where you will be participating with ALL your fellow 5th Graders in answering a question - go on! It's fun, while you're there, respond to other's FlipGRIDs. Code: 54f49720

Your video will not show up right away- it has to go through a process - so be patient!

Week of May 18

We loved seeing you all at the parade!

Hi Fifth Grade Students and Families!

It is Mid-May! Can you believe it? Did you have fun last week with the School Spirit Week? You should make sure to have your parents check out the MHE Facebook Page! How is the learning going on this In Home Learning Site? Make SURE to email us, your teachers, if you have ANY questions.

Be sure to check out the OTHER LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES page - you will find a Virtual STEM Experience and a series of Second Step Lessons on Taking Other's Perspective.

Many of you have sent us such great work! We are so excited to see all the amazing and creative thinking you continue to do. We hope you enjoy this week’s learning activities. The online assignments will continue to be uploaded on the Maplewood Height’s website every week.

Your teacher also has other work in your Google Classroom site. If you have any questions on how to get to it, please email your teacher.

Many of you fifth graders are used to accessing your classroom’s Google Classroom , but here is a refresher for you: Renton School District Home Page > RSD Login Portal(blue box) > Login with username and password > Google Classroom

We can’t wait to see the great work you all do this week! Stay healthy, stay safe and keep learning! We miss you! Keep up the great work!!

Yours in Education,

The Maplewood 5th Grade Team

Hi Fifth Grade Students and Families!

Happy May! By now, you are hopefully into the ‘groove’ with the At-Home Learning Site. You also have things to do on your classroom’s Google Classroom, and of course, we hope that you are reading a great book and spending quality time with your family.

For the Weekly Zoom Classroom Meetings, make sure to ask questions on anything you need or need more info about. Also, make sure to contact your teacher (emails to the right) to share the work you have done or ask questions about anything that you are working on. We would love to hear from you!

Have you checked out the PE, Music and Library activities? Click on the links to the right.

Don’t forget, it is Virtual Spirit Week! Get creative! Send your pics to Mr. Z and your teachers! Stay healthy, stay safe and keep learning! We miss you!


The Maplewood 5th Grade Team

Week of May 4

Hi Fifth Grade Families!

Can you believe May is here? We sure enjoy seeing you at the Class Meetings on Zoom! We are hoping you find this week’s “In Home Learning Educational Activities” valuable. Remember students, ask questions at your Zoom meetings, and also email your teacher if you have any questions on the learning.

How is it going? Are you keeping a daily schedule? Remember, though you are at home, you are still in school and getting an education. Learning is fun and valuable! Always remember the Digital Citizenship Expectations as you use the technology. Stay healthy, stay safe, and keep learning!


The Maplewood 5th Grade Team

Hi Fifth Grade Families!

How are you all doing? Yes! We miss you too! We sure hope that you have been able to go to this site to work on the grade 5 activities in Math, ELA, History, Science and more! By now, you realize there is school work to do every day of the week, just like in the classroom. We know there is a lot there, and we want you to do your very best. Learning is fun and valuable! You really might want to make yourself a daily schedule, just like at school! Set a time in the morning to begin, and after lunch. Make sure to include music, exercise and art, and most of all, KINDNESS to all of your family! Please reach out with any questions, concerns or needs you may have by contacting your teacher. Stay healthy, stay safe and keep learning!


The Maplewood 5th Grade Team

Hi Fifth Grade Families!

We have provided some more ideas for ways our 5th graders can stay connected to school during the closure. Starting this week, we will be uploading DAILY activities for you and your family to do. We are excited to be offering these in-home learning opportunities for you. Be sure to check out the art contest on the "Other Learning Opportunities" page.

Please reach out with any questions, concerns or needs you may have by contacting your teacher. We would love to hear from you! Stay healthy, stay safe and keep learning! We miss you!


The Maplewood 5th Grade Team


Hi There Families and Students of Maplewood Heights Fifth Graders! We wanted to say hello again and tell you we miss all of you very much. We know everyone is doing different things to stay busy, and perhaps you were able to go onto this website page and look at some of the educational activities we posted. These are optional. It would be nice to hear how they are going if you have time to do them. Remember, your fifth grade teachers all have Google Classroom pages that you can go to, and students, you can all email us on your student email accounts if you have any questions.

We have added some new activities for this week but we are fully aware that you have other things that might be more important right now. Once again we miss you all very much and we will see you soon.

Welcome Week of 3.30.20

Hi Fifth Grade Families at Maplewood Heights!

This is the fifth grade team of teachers sending you a message to say hello and let you know we are thinking of you! We want to let all of our students know we miss them very much and look forward to seeing them soon. We will be updating this In-Home Learning Page weekly and adding new activities for our grade 5 students to further enhance their education. All of this is enrichment and optional, but we feel it is very important and meaningful. If you do these weekly activities in addition to the extra enrichment on Google Classroom and other online educational sites this will help you maintain the skills that you have learned so far this year.

We care about you very much, and you can reach us on our school emails, and students, you can use your own school email accounts.

Once again these activities will be updated once a week.

Have a wonderful day!