Unit 12 - Responsible Tourism

Unit 12 - Responsible Tourism

In this unit learners will explore the fragile nature of tourism and develop knowledge of the effect that tourism development and activity can have on host environments. Learners will develop their understanding of how tourism can be managed by different agents to create lasting benefits for communities and environments, and they will use their knowledge and understanding when planning responsible holidays

Assessment - Written assessment to describe the impact that tourists have on a destination, with a practical investigation into how Kenya is maintaining tourism. Practical assessment to build a responsible holiday.

Tourism Heaven or Hell

Tourism can have positive and negative impacts on a destination and the people who live there

Activity - Review the video

What are the impacts of tourism ?


One way of managing tourism is the move to Ecotourism

Activity - Review the video

What is Ecotourism ?

What are the advantages of Ecotoursim ?

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