
Welcome to  the Criminology website where you can find out more about this exciting course at QE.

Criminology is the scientific study of crime. It considers a broad range of issues related to offending, victimisation looking at their causes and methods of prevention.  

This is an applied course. Assessment takes place in the first and second year by controlled assessment and external examination.

* *Controlled assessments function like an exam, however they are for longer periods of time (8 hours split over 2 days)  and  students can take in their file and notes. Teachers mark the controlled assessments and submit grades to the exam board who moderate the  marking **

Contact us

If you have any questions about the course, your suitability or where it may lead you to in the future please contact: 

Rob O'Connor(course leader) 

Rob O'Connor

Lisa Bates

CHris Crozier

Julie Wainwright

Meet the team:

Julie Wainwright - 

Course Summary

Level 3 Applied Diploma in Criminology  summary:

Assessment for WJEC specification 601/6248/X 

Changing Awareness of Crime - controlled assessment over 2 days (25%)

Criminological Theories - exam - 1 hour 30 mins (25%)

From Crime Scene  to Courtroom - controlled assessment over 2 days (25%)

Crime and Punishment - exam - 1 hour 30 mins - (25%)


Year 1                                                                                                              Year 2 

Types of crimes                                                                                           Crime investigation

Why crimes go unreported                                                                 The criminal justice system

How the media  portrays crime                                                         Verdicts and sentencing

Crime statistics                                                                                           Miscarriages of justice

Campaigning to change awareness of  crime                             Crime prevention and punishment

Crime vs deviance                                                                                      How laws are made

Explaining crime                                                                                          The role  of criminal justice agencies

Treating crime                                 

Course Overview

For more information on the course and each unit, watch this course overview video. You can also have a go at the taster sessions for each unit using the menu at the top of the webpage.