Novel Metastable Materials Prepared under High Pressure

High pressure synthesis apparatus is proved to be powerful tool, in particular beneficial for the preparation of novel metastable compounds that cannot be achieved from conventional methods. Representative structure frameworks are perovskite related materials, while the close packed systems are especially suitable target for high pressure synthesis techniques.

With utilisation of equipped DIA-type large volume press, it is our permanent quest to design and realise novel functional materials, to investigate the structure-property correlations, to explorer structural and electronic instabilities, and to understand the mechanism of intriguing physical properties including colossal magnetoresistance, negative thermal expansion, hybrid improper ferroelectric, multiferroic behaviors and and so on.

Quadruple Perovskite

R-P Perovskite

Double Perovskite

Hexagonal Perovskite

LiNbO3-type Phase
