Molecular-Motor Biophysics Lab

Single Cell Biophysics, the new frontier of science. These are the voyages of the Molecular–Motor Biophysics Lab. Its mission: to explore strange new biophysics world. To seek out new physics and new understanding of cellular energetics. To boldly go where no one has gone before.


2021/06/05 羅健榮老師榮獲2021中央大學校教學優良獎!NCU Teaching Excellence Awards.

2021/04/12 New Paper Published

Probing bacterial cell wall growth by tracing wall-anchored protein complexes

Nature Communications, 12, 2160 (2021)

Yi-Jen Sun, Fan Bai, An-Chi Luo, Xiang-Yu Zhuang, Tsai-Shun Lin, Yu-Cheng Sung, Yu-Ling Shih & Chien-Jung Lo*

Research detail

細菌怎麼一邊生長一邊維持外型呢? 細菌細胞壁的動態組裝是細菌生長時維持外型的重要關鍵。我們發明一個新實驗方法來量測細菌生長時生長區、非生長區和分裂區的高解析動態。我們也建立一個數學模型來預測表面固定蛋白在細胞分裂後的位置分配。這個結果告訴我們細菌可以簡單並且有效地平均分配表面固定蛋白給下一代。

Research detail

Dynamic cell wall assembly is key to cell shape maintenance during bacterial growth. Here, we present a method that allows high-resolution analysis of active and inert zones of cell wall growth during bacterial elongation. We also formulate a mathematical model to predict the even partitioning of cell wall-anchored proteins following cell division.

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2020/12/14 孫翊仁榮獲2020年台灣物理學會研究生論文獎-優良獎!

2020物理年會壁報論文佳作 廖致超

2019物理年會壁報論文佳作 莊翔淯

2018物理年會壁報論文優勝 林思遠

2017物理年會壁報論文佳作 王耀寬

2015物理年會壁報論文佳作 廖志揚

2013物理年會壁報論文佳作 林思寧

2018/05/14 New Paper Published

Frequent pauses in Escherichia coli flagella elongation revealed by single cell real-time fluorescence imaging

Nature Communications, 9, 1885 (2018)

Ziyi Ziyi Zhao, Yifan Zhao, Xiang-Yu Zhuang, Wei-Chang Lo, Matthew A. B. Baker, Chien-Jung Lo* & Fan Bai*

Research detail


Research detail

The bacterial flagellum is a large extracellular protein organelle that extrudes from the cell surface. The flagellar filament is assembled from tens of thousands of flagellin subunits that are exported through the flagellar type III secretion system. Here, we measure the growth of Escherichia coli flagella in real time and find that, although the growth rate displays large variations at similar lengths, it decays on average as flagella lengthen. By tracking single flagella, we show that the large variations in growth rate occur as a result of frequent pauses. Furthermore, different flagella on the same cell show variable growth rates with correlation. Our observations are consistent with an injection-diffusion model, and we propose that an insufficient cytoplasmic flagellin supply is responsible for the pauses in flagellar growth in E. coli.

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