工學院 x Fulbright攝影

【Visual Voyage】

Discovering the World Through Lensese

2024年01月31日 【填問卷,抽好禮】獲獎名單:

112154013  賴○媛

112302043  陳○杰

110303307  王○詠

112329013  何○怡

112305005  楊○錡

112305011  王○諺

112305014  謝○志

112327002  許○仁

112521098  韓○博


【吉光片羽The Classic Old Times


Description:Valley de los Ingenios is a remarkable testimony to the development of the sugar industry, chemical engineering, and a living museum featuring 75 former sugar mills, plantation houses, barracks and other facilities related to this vulnerable industry. The former plantations, mill buildings and other facilities and archaeological sites in the Valley de los Ingenios represent the richest and best-preserved testimony of the Caribbean sugar agro-industrial and chemical engineering process of the 18 th and 19th centuries, and of the slavery phenomenon associated with it.


Location:Valley de los Ingenios, Cuba


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【美國遺產American Heritage】


Description:The objective of US National Parks is to protect and pass on natural and cultural heritages. Accordingly, all constructions and facilities (including mechanical, civil, and chemical material engineering) align with the objective. For example, Olympic National Park is the largest protected area in the temperate region of the world that includes in one complex ecosystems from ocean edge through temperate rainforest, alpine meadows and glaciated mountain peaks. Moreover, it contains one of the world’s largeststands of virgin temperate rainforest, includes many of the largest coniferous tree species on earth, and longest undeveloped coast in the contiguous US.


Location:Olympic National Park, WA, USA


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin



Description:Nature's masterpiece, where granite giants touch the heavens, waterfalls cascade in liquid poetry, and wilderness whispers tales of timeless grandeur and untamed beauty.


Location:Yosemite National Park, California, USA

◆作者:Mike Wong

Photographer:Mike Wong

【優勝美地國家公園Yosemite National Park】

◆說明:這是我在美國最喜歡的國家公園之一,因為它距離我長大的地方弗雷斯諾僅 35 分鐘路程。在這裡,我可以遠離喧囂,沉浸在大自然的寧靜之中。從春天翠綠的樹葉到秋季金黃的落葉,每個季節都有它獨特的魅力。

Description:This is one of my favorite national parks in the USA because it is only 35 minutes away from Fresno, which is the place where I grew up. Here, I can escape the hustle and bustle and immerse myself in the tranquility of nature. From the lush green leaves of spring to the golden hues of autumn foliage, each season has its own unique charm


Location:Yosemite National Park, California, USA.

◆作者:Rey Ceron & Elizabeth Lombera

Photographer:Rey Ceron & Elizabeth Lombera



Description:The Homer Tunnel on New Zealand’s Milford Road is a civil engineering triumph and allows access to the stunning Milford Sound, which is widely known as New Zealand’s number one attraction and recognized by UNESCO World Heritage.


Location:Homer Tunnel, New Zealand


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【黑堡壘Dark Fortress】

◆說明:位於皮卡第中心,是 13 世紀最大的「經典」哥德式教堂之一。它以其土木工程規劃的連貫性、三層內部立面的美麗,以及主立面和南耳堂上特別精美的雕塑展示而聞名。

Description:In the heart of Picardy, it is one of the largest "classic" Gothic churches of the 13th century. It is notable for the coherence of the civil engineering plan, the beauty of its three tier interior elevation and the particularly fine display of sculptures on the principal facade and in the south transept.


Location:Amiens Cathedral, France


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin



Description:Venice itself stood as one of the greatest capitals in the medieval world. Founded in the 5th century and spread over 118 small islands, Venice became a major maritime power in the 10th century. The lagoon of Venice also has one of the highest concentrations of masterpieces in the world, manifesting the high-level technology of civil and mechanical engineering: from Torcello’s Cathedral to the church of Santa Maria della Salute; some of the world’s greatest artists such as Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese and others.


Location:Venice, Italy


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【加勒比海堡壘Fortress of the Caribbean】


Description:The fortress in San Juan outstandingly illustrates the adaptation to the Caribbean context of Europe and developments in military architecture from the 16th to 20thcenturies. They represent the continuity of more than four centuries of civil, mechanical, chemical material engineering, military, and political history. As one of the first as well as one of the last of the numerous seats of power in Spain’s American empire, these structures are now potent symbols of the cultural ties that link the Hispanic world. Reflecting Italian Renaissance, Baroque, and French Enlightenment designs, the defenses express successive techniques and technologies in fortification construction.


Location:San Juan, Puerto Rico


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【不走尋常路Off the Beaten Path】


Description:This is the far less touristy lookout point to enjoy the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Angel Island, and San Francisco. Sometimes it’s good to take the road less traveled!


Location:Slacker Hill Trail, San Francisco, California

◆作者:Genevieve Leung

Photographer:Genevieve Leung


◆說明:這個UNESCO世界遺產系列由 111 個小型個體遺址組成,包括阿爾卑斯山及其周圍地區建於公元前5000 年至 500 年左右的史前木樁住宅(或高腳屋)定居點的遺跡,分布在湖泊、河流或濕地的邊緣。四千年多來關於他們的農業、畜牧業、化材業發展的精確信息,與近代人類歷史最重要的階段之一(現代社會初期)相吻合。

Description:This serial property of 111 small individual sites encompasses the remains of prehistoric pile-dwelling (or stilt house) settlements in and around the Alps built from around 5000 to 500 B.C. on the edges of lakes, rivers or wetlands. The precise information on their agriculture, animal husbandry, development of chemical material engineering, over a period of more than four millennia, coincides with one of the most important phases of recent human history: the dawn of modern societies.


Location:Schaffhausen, Switzerland


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【邁阿密海灘之美The Beauty of Miami Beach


Description:Locals enjoy warm temperatures and a nice view in Miami Beach almost all year round. People sunbathe on the beach, enjoying the warm sunshine and the azure sea. The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore adds to the tropical paradise atmosphere here.


Location:Miami Beach, Florida, USA.

◆作者:Rey Ceron

Photographer:Rey Ceron



Description:Locals enjoy warm temperatures and a nice view in Miami Beach almost all year round. People sunbathe on the beach, enjoying the warm sunshine and the azure sea. The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore adds to the tropical paradise atmosphere here.


Location:Miami Beach, Florida, USA.

◆作者:Rey Ceron

Photographer:Rey Ceron



Description:Though California is famous for tech and development, it’s also home to natural beauty and simplicity. This photo is a reminder to not get caught up in work and technology.


Location:Muir Woods (Golden Gate National Park), Marin, California

◆作者:Genevieve Leung

Photographer:Genevieve Leung

【舊金山夕陽San Francisco Sunset】


Description:A city of hills and innovation, where Victorian elegance meets modernity's skyline. The Golden Gate's embrace, cable cars' rhythm, and diverse neighborhoods weave a vibrant urban symphony.


Location:San Francisco, California, USA

◆作者:Mike Wong

Photographer:Mike Wong



Description:It is one of the most important closed-preserved historical cities in the world. The civil engineering is mainly characterized by the exceptionally large number of half-timbered houses; approximately 1,500 that were built during the 15-19th centuries.


Location:Goslar, Germany


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin



Description:It is a major site for mining innovation in the Western world and was developed over aperiod of some 800 years to assist in the chemical and material engineering process of extracting ore for the production of non-ferrous metals, particularly copper, lead, and tin.


Location:Mines of Rammelsberg, Germany


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin


說明:特羅姆瑟圖書館在2006年被評為該市最佳服務企業,2008 年被提名為挪威「年度圖書館」獎的三個圖書館之一,緊接著 2009 年獲得全國年度最佳公共圖書館。它是根據西班牙建築師Felix Candela的設計,由電影院改建並擁有拋物線造型的屋頂,顯示該國土木和機械工程的高度水平。

Description:In 2006, the Tromsø library was declared the Best Service Enterprise in the city; in 2008,the library was nominated as one of three for the award of “Library of the Year" in Norway, and then in 2009, a general poll voted the Tromsø Library to be the best public library of the year. It was designed by a Spanish architect (Felix Candela), rebuilt from a former movie theater, and highlighted by the parabola-shaped rooftop - demonstratingthe remarkable achievement of its civil and mechanical engineering technology.


Location:Tromsø, Norway


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【輝煌-理想室內裝設Splendor-The Ideal Decor】


Description:Istanbul has been associated with major political, religious and artistic events in the world for more than 2,000 years. In particular, the great works in civil engineering include SüleymaniyeMosque/Süleymaniye Camii. Suleymaniye was the longest reigning sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1520-1566), and is regarded by some as a “Second Solomon” because of the harmony and justice under his rule.


Location:Süleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【花地毯Flower Carpet】

說明:布魯塞爾大廣場是一座建築瑰寶,是西方土木工程、文化建築、和藝術風格折衷融合的傑出且非常成功的典範,彰顯了這個重要政治和商業中心的活力。花地毯活動每兩年暑假舉辦一次,下一次在2024/08,由各地的花農協助幫忙,使用近百萬朵鮮花,打造出約1,800 平方公尺的地毯。

Description:An architectural jewel, it stands as an exceptional and highly successful example of an eclectic blending of architectural and artistic styles as well as civil engineering of Western culture, which illustrates the vitality of this important political and commercial centre.


Location:La Grand-Place, Brussels, Belgium


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【輝煌年代The Glory Days


Description:It was one of the first canals designed specifically for steam-powered vessels, featuring an ensemble of fortifications.The best-preserved example of a slack water canal in North America demonstrates the use of this European technology (hydraulics, civil, and mechanical engineering) on a large scale.The only canal dating from the great North American canal-building era of the early 19th century to remain operational along its original line with most of its structures intact.


Location:Ottawa Rideau Canal, Canada


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【蚌吐珠Pearls out of the oyster 


Description:Singapore’s first/only UNESCO World Heritage site (conferred on July 4, 2015), and also the first/only tropical garden to be named by UNESCO. The 156-year-old and 183-acre Singapore Botanic Gardens is still the most iconic garden in the green-obsessed garden city, highlighting the remarkable civil engineering of the country.


Location:Singapore Botanic Gardens


Photographer:Li-Gang Lin

【向長者學習Learning from the Elders

◆說明:這些紅杉已經高達 500-800 歲的高齡了,從樹下往上看,您會感覺到謙卑與一種如「長者」般的安詳與沉穩。從這些老樹的智慧可以讓我們學到很多。

Description:These redwood trees are 500-800 years old. From below, you feel humbled and in the peaceful presence of “elders.” We have much to learn from the wisdom of trees.


Location:Muir Woods (Golden Gate National Park), Marin, California

◆作者:Genevieve Leung

Photographer:Genevieve Leung

【救命!(巨人贏了) Help! (the giant wins)

◆說明: 莫頓林園是一座佔地 1700 英畝的花園和戶外博物館,是中西部的一顆寶石,並以其樹木和巨魔而聞名。

Description:A 1700-acre garden and outdoor museum, Morton Arboretum is a Midwestern gem known for its trees and trolls.


Location:Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL, USA

◆作者:Michael Rivera

Photographer:Michael Rivera