
NCCU is proud to be an official Tech Diplomacy Academy Launch Partner. The non-profit Tech Diplomacy Academy from the Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue is the world's first and only online education platform for learning about the intersection of emerging technology, business and foreign policy.


The Tech Diplomacy Academy offers short, one-hour, online, on-demand courses led by acclaimed technology experts, domestic and foreign policy practitioners, and multi-sector industry leaders.

政治大學李蔡彥校長:「身為國立政治大學的校長,我希望強調科技外交在未來的重要性。與科技外交學院的合作彰顯了政大對培養精通科技和國關知識領袖的共同承諾。透過跟 TDA 的合作,我們開創了一條連結科技創新與外交智慧的道路,以確保政大學生具備處理當今全球複雜挑戰的能力。」

"As the President of National Chengchi University (NCCU), I am honored to emphasize the critical role of technology diplomacy in shaping our global future. Our collaboration with the Tech Diplomacy Academy (TDA) underscores our shared commitment to nurturing leaders who are well-versed in the nuances of technology and international relations. Together, through initiatives like TDA, we are pioneering a path that bridges technological innovation with diplomatic acumen, ensuring that our students are equipped to navigate and negotiate the complex tapestry of today's global challenges."

– President Tsai-Yen Li, National Chengchi University (NCCU)


Learn more about the world’s first Tech Diplomacy Academy.