林日璇 老師

現職:國立政治大學 傳播學院特聘教授兼國際傳播碩士學位學程主任




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This course will talk about the seminal traits of virtual reality and its applications in different areas such as in medical-bio industry, in marketing, and in innovation industry. This course will also cover the concept and current development of metaverse. 


After taking this course, learners will be able to


1. Introducing the course design 

1-1 Overview of this course

1-2 Learning activities and evaluation of this course

2. A wide spectrum of opinions on Metaverse 

2-1 What is Metaverse?

●  A virtual reality view on Metaverse

●  An augmented reality view on Metaverse

●  A VR zone and Web 3.0 view on Metaverse

3. Quick review of Metaverse

3-1 Summarizing the learnings in week 1

4. VR Features

4-1 Introducing VR features

●  Proteus effect

●  Proteus effect and related studies

●  Proteus effect and sports technology 

5. Quick review of Metaverse 

5-1 Summarizing the learnings in week 2

6. Metaverse: Meta versus HTC

6-1 Meta’s Metaverse configuration and related applications

●  Meta’s Metaverse configuration and related hardware

●  Meta vs. HTC vs. Microsoft

7. VR applications

7-1 Summarizing the learnings in week 3

7-2 VR and related applications

●  VR applications in entertainment

●  VR applications in training

●  VR applications in healthcare

●  VR applications in marketing 

8. VR games and virtual amusement park

8-1 Summarizing the learnings in week 4

8-2 VR games and related studies

●  VR games in news and marketing

●  VR games in healthcare

●  Virtual amusement park

●  Virtual amusement park case 1

●  Virtual amusement park case 2

9. AR as Metaverse 

9-1 Summarizing the learnings in week 5

9-2 Digital Twin

●  AR applications in healthcare

●  AR applications in manufacturing

●  AR applications in marketing

●  AR applications in entertainment 




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