The 2024 2nd International Conference on Affective Education

Conference theme: Emotions, motivation and wellbeing for learning in our global, interconnected societies 

October 4-5 (Friday and Saturday), 2024

 Venue: National Chengchi University, Taipei and online

Important Dates

Submissions due date: July 15, 2024 (Submissions are reviewed and notified on a first-come-first-serve basis, normally within one month.) 

Conference Dates: October 4-5, 2024

Call for Submissions to the Conference

The Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Affective Education is calling for submissions of original research results in all areas of affective education. 

The submission should include an abstract (maximum 250 words), including the aim, method, results, and discussion. An extended summary of up to 1,000 words (including detailed information about the aim, method, results, discussion, and major references) is welcome to submit for review purposes only.

Please note that your personal information will be used for your official Letters of Acceptance, Proof of Participation and/or Presentation, and Conference Programs. Choose from the presentation format (either in-person oral or virtual pre-recorded presentations, or both). Due to time constraints, presenters may be asked to pre-record their presentations for asynchronous access. Upon acceptance of the abstract, you will receive an acceptance letter and ask for presenter registration.

Review criteria.
1. Relevance to the domain of affective education

2. Introduction, e.g., theoretical framework, conceptual rationale, or pragmatic/contextual grounding, leading to research questions or hypotheses.

3. Methods, e.g., participants or data sources, measures or research design, and data analysis or procedure

4. Results and Discussion based on results

5. Overall quality and scientific originality

Future publication opportunities. The accepted papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit for likely formal publications after peer review. A special issue has been initiated with the Journal of Education and Psychology (JEP) in line with the conference themes: Submission by December 31, 2024, and scheduled publication date in June 2025. (Please click the "Call for Papers to JEP" icon below for more information, including submission guidelines for this special issue, particularly, not using the Journal's submission system and guidelines.)


Affective education has become part of a global reflection. Values and attitudes become learning compasses toward 2030 to guide future education (OECD (2019). OECD future of education and skills 2030 conceptual learning framework: Attitudes and values for 2030). Social-emotional learning, digital pedagogies, and youth empowerment are keys to transforming education and re-thinking learning for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Target 7, for building peaceful and sustainable societies (

 The current 2024 International Conference on Affective Education: Emotions, motivation and wellbeing for learning in our global, interconnected societies (hereby referred to as the Conference) aims to leverage and expand the scope and success of the first 2022 International Conference on Affective Education to bring together academic scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share their research and insights on all aspects of affective education. As such, it will be extended to a two-day conference to accommodate more interested scholars with diverse disciplinary backgrounds from around the world. It also provides a platform to promote multidisciplinary dialogue on the most recent trends, concerns, challenges, and solutions in affective issues including but not limited to:

We welcome diversity for the research and implementation of affective education. These may include diverse pedagogical approaches (including those using ICT) in diverse school subjects and activities in formal school settings, informal learning, and parental and teacher education activities. National curricula, educational policies, and culture are also of interest. To encourage abstract submission and participation, the conference will be free of charge for presenters and participants.

If you are interested in updated information about the conference (e.g., when to submit an abstract), please fill in the emailing list form below. 

Organized and Sponsored by:

Contacts  |  Prof. Mei-Shiu Chiu (