Online 3D Lesson Sites
This collaborative platform provides FREE resources and support, helping educators to introduce and embed 3D Printing technology in the classroom.
Thingiverse Education provides over a hundred free lessons that make teaching with a 3D printer easier and more effective for a variety of grade levels and subjects. It also provides a community where educators can exchange best practices or remix projects.
We’re committed to helping educators integrate 3D printing into their K-12 classrooms, college courses, makerspaces, and libraries
More Lesson Plan Resources:
Printlab - Fantastic portal for 3D printing certification and curriculum resource for K-12 teachers. Access is $299/12-months. Try it FREE for 7-days using this link:
Create To Educate Lesson Plans - 80 new K-12 lesson plans (most by teachers) using 3D printing and 3D design with curriculum aligned with core standards.
Models For Assistive Devices - MatterHackers ran a worldwide Design Challenge for assistive devices, and some of the best designs were submitted by applicants under 18. You can print any of these designs in the classroom and bring them to your community nursing home, or run your own challenge! More inspiration for that HERE.
Tactile Models For Classroom - Free downloadable STLs for learning tools designed for students who are blind or visually impaired.
Tween Teacher Blog - Detailed blog and lesson ideas from middle school El/SPED English teacher using 3D printers to engage at-risk students.
Mr. Kindergarten - Fun designs and helpful lessons for the classroom.
3D Printing Lesson Plans for Elementary - More great lesson plans for K-5 students that tie back to core curriculum.
3D Printing Lesson Plans from Monica Burns - 7 3D Printing Lessons for teachers from Monica Burns
Design Thinking For Educators - IDEO(Global Design Firm) and Riverdale Country School (K-12 in NYC) toolkit
Education In 3D - Lesson plans and insights from Mark Simmons (Twitter: @t3chl0gic) Director Of Technology at Sabine Pass ISD.