
Honorary Lifetime Member Mike Rowe (of Dirty Jobs fame) isn't going to just accept his award without singing! He shows our 2016 International Quartet Champion Forefront how it's done...  

The best way to learn more about the society as a whole is to visit the International site:  http://www.barbershop.org/

We're the Worcester Men of Song Barbershop Chorus, a chapter of the International Barbershop Harmony Society.  Thanks for visiting!  Take a minute to learn more about us. Also, follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/menofsong.

Listen here to our theme song:   "Men of Song". 

2013 Show Men of Song.mp4

The Worcester Chapter, The Men of Song, was founded in 1949 and has been presenting four-part a capella close harmony singing throughout central Massachusetts ever since.  2025 is our 75th anniverary performing in Worcester.

Before "Covid" the chorus used to hold an Annual Show (every year for thirty- seven years at Mechanics Hall the weekend before Thanksgiving).  Since "Covid" we have been rebuilding our chorus and performing smaller shows throughout the year. The Christmas Season has been and still is our busiest time of year.

Come Listen or sing with us any Wednesday evening at the Emanuel Lutheran Church at 200 Greenwood Street in Worcester. Visitors are always welcome.  For more information please click on "Press" and "About Us" in the heading.