APC School Policies

Series 0000: Philosophy-Goals-Objectives

Policy 0100: APC School Expectations Statement

The Soldotna Montessori Charter School Academic Policy Committee supports and expects the implementation of these Montessori principles at SMCS. The monitoring of the implementation of these principles is the responsibility of the administrator. These principles will be reviewed, and possibly revised, annually. In addition, as a public school, SMCS is accountable to all state standards and mandated assessments.

Multi-age Classrooms

Our Montessori curriculum, with the exception of kindergarten, is delivered in three-year cycles in multi-age classrooms.

Hands-on Learning

Our school emphasizes hands-on learning using concrete learning materials, including Montessori manipulatives.

Grace and Courtesy

Students learn to recognize and respect the rights and needs of themselves and others. Students are encouraged to solve problems using peaceful words and actions. School practices encourage self-regulation and conflict resolution.

Field Studies

Field studies encourage students to gain information and experience from the real world as well as apply their own knowledge in real world situations.

Understanding and Gaining Deep Respect for the Natural World

Our curriculum incorporates many opportunities to interact with the natural environment through instructional activities, research and field studies.

Global Understanding

Students learn about culture, global issues and the vast diversity of people and ideas in our world.

Follow the Child

Instruction is differentiated according to individual student readiness, academic performance and student interest.

Community Service

Students learn to make a contribution to others and to society through community service.

Student Investigation and Research

Students conduct class and individual investigations as a common method for acquiring curriculum knowledge. Technology, library archives, guest speakers and field studies support student research efforts.

Self-Direction and Student Accountability

Students in all grades gain experience in time management and work responsibility. Students develop self-direction and accountability in their day.

Practical Life Skills

Children use Practical Life Skills to take care of the classroom, themselves and the environment. They also learn to properly utilize technology, manage time and organize effectively. Early practical life skills are also used to develop concentration skills, help develop fine and gross motor control and help develop impulse control. Practical life skills may also include learning to use technology, time management, and organization skills.

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 3/26/19
Last Revision Date: No Data
Adopted: Spring 2014

Series 1000: Community Relations

Policy 1100: Holiday Observance Policy

SMCS gladly acknowledges that our families are unique and valued members of our school and have a wide variety of personal, political and religious beliefs. That being said, we do not alter our curricular or instructional approach based on any given family belief system. If a family is truly not happy with our approach, they are free to enroll elsewhere although we certainly do not encourage or promote that.

We accommodate families by informing them of potentially conflicting activities so they can choose to have their child participate or not.

It is always possible to present content around the holidays in an informational format rather than a celebratory one. However, each teacher will decide how that goes in his/her classroom and inform parents accordingly – taking care to communicate clearly and to exclude no one.

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 3/26/19
Last Revision Date: No Data
Adopted: No Data

Series 5000: Students

Policy 5100: Sibling Policy

Definition of Sibling:

A sibling is defined as having one or both parents in common or is a stepbrother, stepsister, or other child for whom legal guardianship with parental right has been established and who resides in the same household. Documentation may be required to confirm sibling preferences. If the sibling withdraws from the school before the applicant is offered enrollment, priority status will be revoked

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 2/19/19
Last Revision Date: 2/19/19
Adopted: No Data

Policy 5100: Sibling Policy

Definition of Sibling:

A sibling is defined as having one or both parents in common or is a stepbrother, stepsister, or other child for whom legal guardianship with parental right has been established and who resides in the same household. Documentation may be required to confirm sibling preferences. If the sibling withdraws from the school before the applicant is offered enrollment, priority status will be revoked

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 2/19/19
Last Revision Date: 2/19/19
Adopted: No Data

Policy 5110: Home Schooling Enrollment Policy

Full-time Montessori families may take the district options to move their child into a home-schooling program during the school year. These families have the option, per district policy, to remain enrolled at SMCS for up to two courses. These courses include intervention, special education, music, PE, and academic topics that are self-contained within a homeroom classroom. Families electing to home school mid-year may not return to full-time status at SMCS in the same school year. These families may opt to reinstate their full-time status at the beginning the following year, pending review by the school administrator. The school administrator will consider class size and overall enrollment numbers when making the final determination. Re-enrollment will not be accepted after the first day of school in the new school year.

Families that do not elect to return to full-time status in the year following their enrollment in home-school will lose the option for full-time re-enrollment.

Exit dates must be noted when students enroll in a home-schooling program.

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 3/26/19
Last Revision Date: No Data
Adopted: No Data

Policy 5120: Family Medical Sabbatical Policy

Families may request a sabbatical leave from SMCS reserving the right for their student to return to SMCS after an extended absence due to a severe medical condition requiring long-term treatment out of state.

The intent of this policy is to support families experiencing a medical crisis requiring a temporary move out of state.

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 1/22/19
Last Revision Date: No Data
Adopted: No Data

Policy 5121: Family Educational Travel Sabbatical Policy

Families enrolled for a minimum of three years may request a sabbatical leave from SMCS reserving the right for their student to return to SMCS after a one semester or one school year absence. Students are not guaranteed placement with the same teacher upon their return to school.

Sabbaticals will be granted for the purposes of family travel only.

No more than two students may be granted a Travel Sabbatical for any school year.

Families must submit a written request for a Travel Sabbatical no later than the lottery enrollment deadline prior to the year of travel.

If Travel Sabbaticals for more than two students are received, a lottery will be conducted to determine which two students will be granted the sabbatical. This lottery will be held in conjunction with the regular school lottery.

The intent of this policy is to support families who wish to enhance the educational opportunities for their school-aged children via travel.

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 2/19/19
Last Revision Date: 2/19/19
Adopted: No Data

Policy 5130: Montessori Model United Nations Participation Policy

The APC met to consider the pros and cons of sending SMCS students to the Montessori Model United Nations Conference in New York City. After a lengthy discussion the APC made a final decision to continue with the program on alternate years.

The APC considered the variety of factors involved. Perhaps the factor that received the greatest scrutiny from the APC was the student selection process and student participation criteria. The APC acknowledged that student participation in this project must be limited. It is possible that students who are motivated to participate, are capable of the rigorous preparation and have the knack for public speaking might not be selected.

It was also acknowledged that not all students are interested in the project and/or do not want to travel to NYC. Participation in the MMUN project will always be optional. However, all intermediate students are required (to) participate in the pre-selection activities due to the fact that persuasive writing, oral presentation and leadership development are part of our overall curriculum for all students. So, students may not opt out of the pre-selection assignments but they may opt out of the competitive selection process.

The APC further determined that criteria for student selection will be established by the upper elementary teaching team. The upper elementary teaching team will make all student participation selections.

Finally, the APC made the decision to establish a local action project to engage students not participating in the MMUN in meaningful work.

Last year, students not participating in the MMUN project engaged in researching local and global hunger issues. These students conducted quality research and sponsored an Oxfam Hunger Project Dinner for our families and the community. There were nearly 100 people in attendance. This project, or a similar project, will be conducted each year that SMCS participates in MMUN.

In addition, activities at school during the week of MMUN travel constitute a break in normal school routine for students who remain at school. A series of “camps” are offered. Students participate based on personal interest. The group also goes to the Nikiski Pool during the week.

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 3/26/19
Last Revision Date: No Data
Adopted: No Data

Policy 5131: Letter Writing Campaigns Policy

SMCS supports the development of social responsibility. We believe that a well-informed student opinion can have a powerful impact on adult decision-making. We encourage students to be proactive by using age-appropriate venues. Persuasive Letters to the Editor, letters to the governor, the mayor, a department head, etc. are on form of pro-social action. However, before engaging in a letter-writing campaign, or sending a letter requesting or suggesting a change or supporting a particular point of view, students who are writing as representatives of SMCS should be guided to take the following steps:

  1. Research the situation and develop a position statement.

  2. In the research process, identify local expert resources that may have background information, data, or a rationale that is relevant to the student position.

  3. Contact the local expert and ask for an interview or an appointment.

  4. Ask questions that will provide information and/or reveal the rationale regarding the concern.

  5. If unsatisfied with the response, conduct further research to support your opinion or position.

  6. Once you are satisfied that you have adequate and accurate information to take a well-reasoned stand, you may proceed with the letter-writing campaign after you have communicated your intent to publicize the concern with the local authorities you have been in contact with, including your teacher and the principal.

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 3/26/19
Last Revision Date: No Data
Adopted: 3/25/09

Series 6000: Instruction

Policy 6100: Special Services and 504 Policy

Students identified as needing special education receive intervention via the school’s special education program at a charter school. Special education students, bilingual students and gifted students are serviced through both inclusion and pull-out services at the charter school as determined by the best interest of the student. Resource and related teachers collaborate with classroom teachers to ensure modification or differentiation of instruction and assessment in meeting student’s needs. If a special services student or student with a 504 plan enrolls at a charter school, a review of the student’s IEP or 504 Plan is conducted. The IEP/504 team then determines if the charter school can meet the student’s individual learning needs via the methodology and curriculum materials available at the school. If it is determined that the charter school cannot adequately address the needs of the student then non- placement is disclosed to the parent and documented.

Soldotna Montessori Charter School
Last Review Date: 3/26/19
Last Revision Date: No Data
Adopted: No Data