
Student Tutorial Bank

You may find that you need instructional videos to support your learners. Good news, you don’t have to make them all yourself! We have created a simple collaborative document to store existing instructional videos for everyone to access to ease the workload. Please ADD what you have to the document using hyperlinks and TAKE what you need for your instruction.

This is a rough draft and ever evolving document. If you have suggests (or requests) please feel free to comment or reply to Carlyn Nichols at cnichols@kpbsd.org or Beth Swaby at eswaby@kpbsd.org

Need specific assistance? Here is a contact list of KPBSD's PD Staff & District Experts.

Grade-Span Workload Descriptions


Pre-K- A workload of approximately 30-40 minutes a day with a focus on developmental skill goals (Early Literacy, Fine/Large Motor, and Early Math, Science, and Creative Arts) with segmented breaks or pauses for music and movement; taking into consideration the attention span and engagement needs of 4 and 5 year olds. Chunks of instruction may be in 4-5 minute increments with high emphasis on child participation. Tasks should lend themselves to multiple levels of family engagement with relevancy to the child’s home and surroundings.

K-2 - A workload of approximately 1-1.5 hours a day with three major academic components: (Reading, Math and integrated Content (Writing, Speaking, Listening in Social Emotional, Science, Social Studies, Health, Music, Art etc...) sprinkled with opportunities and choice of brain and movement breaks. Chunks of instruction should be in 10-15 minute increments with a clear learning outcome for each learning chunk. A minimum of 1 graded task or assessment each week for math, reading and integrated content.

Math - 20 minutes / Reading - 20 minutes / Integrated Content - 20 minutes


A workload of approximately 1.5 - 2 hours a day with three major academic components: (Reading, Math and integrated Content (Writing, Speaking, Listening in Science, Social Studies, Health, Music, Art etc...) sprinkled with opportunities and choice of brain and movement breaks. Chunks of instruction should be in 10-15 minute increments with a clear learning outcome for each academic learning chunk. A minimum of 1 graded task or assessment each week for math, reading, and integrated content.

Math - 30 minutes / Reading - 30 minutes / Integrated Content - 30 minutes


A workload of approximately 1 hour a week per content area with a breakdown of 4 parts: content delivery, activities, feedback, and assessment. A minimum of 1 graded task or assessment each week, and clearly defined office hours which may include a combination of (1) synchronous content delivery for those able to call in, (2) asynchronous content delivery (either recorded synchronous lesson or lesson video series) and (3) feedback to students. Provide feedback to students 2 times a week minimum.


A workload of approximately 1.5 hours a week per content area with a breakdown of 4 parts: content delivery, activities, feedback, and assessment. A minimum of 1 graded task or assessment each week and clearly defined office hours which may include a combination of (1) synchronous content delivery for those able to call in, (2) asynchronous content delivery (either recorded synchronous lesson or lesson video series) and (3) feedback to students. Provide feedback to students 2 times a week minimum.

Communicating with Families

Weekly check-ins with families are not intended to be academic necessarily, but rather maintaining strong human connections and support. Here are a few ideas with more to come.

Sentence Starters

  • Hello, This is _____________ from ___________ School.

  • I hope you're well and that you and your students are staying safe and healthy.

  • We are in our _______(first, second, etc.) week of remote learning, and I'm just touching base again to see how things are going OR I just wanted to touch base with you again and see how things are going.

  • I hope that pandemic planning isn't too hectic and that you're finding some time to take care of yourself and your family.

  • I'll be in touch with you again next week, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns.