Nurse Deni's Corner

Deni's Classroom

Talking to Kids about Covid

If you are a parent or caregiver and feeling unsure about what to share, how much to say, and ways to navigate COVID-19 when so much is uncertain, you’re not alone. Families all over the world are with you on this one.

Here are some tips to get you through as the outbreak continues.

Activities at home

● A short breathing exercise to manage stress and promote relaxation.

● Consider creating a thankfulness journal.

● Have a talent show or puppet show.

● Make cards to send to someone special.

● Ideas for art projects

● Create a treasure hunt.

● Make a home video.

● Do a photoshoot. Get creative and dress up to create characters.

● Build a fort.

● Create an obstacle course or activity course. For example, run around the tree 3 times, do 4 touch toes, hop to the swing set, reach to the sky, etc.

How to Stay Happy & Healthy Today

First, eat a healthy and nutritious diet, which helps your immune system to function properly.

Second, exercise. WHO recommends 30 minutes of physical activity a day for adults [edit from Karol Fink – US Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend 150 minutes a week of activity, and one hour a day for children.

· If allowed, go outside for a walk or a run, while keeping a safe distance from others.

· If you cannot leave the house, find an exercise video online, dance to music, do some yoga, or walk up and down the stairs.

· If you're working at home, make sure you do not sit in the same position for long periods. Get up and take a three-minute break every 30 minutes.

Third, the WHO said its normal to feel stressed, confused and scared during this pandemic. Talking to people you know and trust can help. Link to CDC Covid 19 information

Contact Nurse Deni if you have any questions or concerns

Phone- 776-2614 Leave a message