Quarter 1 assignment archives

Find the quarter 1 assignments below.

Quarter 1 is now complete so these assignments are simply for reference.

Quarter 1 Assignment 4: Know your music note names on the treble clef staff lines

NOTE: This assignment is for Distance / Remote only students. It is not for those who attend school on yellow and green.

Details and directions.

Here is a link to an interactive web page where you can practice using the "Note Names" trainer from Classics for Kids from Cincinnati Public Radio's site.

Keep track your time playing this game. If it is easy and you do well, try the Bass Clef version. See more assignment details in your music google classroom classwork page and report your time and experience playing the game to me there.

Click the link below to try it now.


NOTE: This assignment is for Distance / Remote only students. It is not for those who attend school on yellow and green.

Click on the title above for details and directions.

Required for all first through sixth grade students from SOEL and SMCS Students. Optional for Kindergarteners
Click on the title above for details and directions.

Required for all first through sixth grade students from SOEL and SMCS Students. Optional for Kindergarteners
Click on the title above for details and directions.