This is my page for videos on social / emotional learning, featuring our puppet friends:
Welcome Students!
My name is Ms. Christy and in this video I show you a little about my job as a School Counselor.
Tools of the Trade
In this video I show you some of the tools I use as a School Counselor. Look for a surprise appearance by my dog Lola.
And a Cat too
Spruce Tip wanted to meet you. This could be in the blooper section because I filmed it a little wonky.
Where is Ms. Christy
A quick tour to find my school office. Can you catch my mistake? Hint: I'm not the best with directions.
Story of Two Warriors
A lesson on not letting other people's mean words hurt you.
PS. It took me 4 tries to record this because my dog kept interrupting--three takes are on my Blooper page.
Meet my shy friend
What helps you when you feel scared, shy or overwhelmed?
Seeds of Strength
We all have different strengths and some that we haven't even developed yet.
We All Miss You!
Wish we were in school!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Grounding
Here is a tool to help us get out of our brain and into our body if we are stuck in worry mode. (Feel free to mix up the order.)
Finding your Smile in the Rain
Even on stormy grey days we can find our smile if we try. Its ok if you lose it for awhile--I trust you will find it again.
What are you thankful for?
Sometimes when we feel sad or worried, practicing gratitude and finding things to be thankful for can help.
Puppets go to the Beach
On a beautiful day sometimes we all need to step away from the computer and head outside to enjoy the view.
The Magic of Water
The sound of running water has been proven to make us feel better. Do you have water near you? Go outside and listen...
Find Something Beautiful
Beauty is everywhere if we look for it.
Never the Same Breath Twice
Just like you will never see the same river, you will never take the same breath.
Mind Full Verses Mindful
Introducing Sage's friend Nibbles.
A Seed Waiting to Bloom
When you are in a dark place, maybe you have been planted...
Skating through Life
We all fall down, the key is to get back up...
Its Ok to Want to Hide
Soon you will find your courage to face the world again.
A Message from Blue
Kindness begins with you.
Find Something Beautiful Two
What beautiful thing will you find today?
Counter Worry With Hope
Meet Eve the Otter who is learning how to worry less.
Shut the Computer and Go Outside
Do you ever feel frustrated with computers? Meet Jazz who feels that way A Lot.
One Thing at a Time
If you feel overwhelmed, with lots to do, start by doing one thing.
Jazz Forgot Something
We all have a critic and coach inside our minds and Jazz is learning to listen to the more helpful voice.
Brave Doesn't Mean Not Being Scared
B.M.W. doesn't like being on camera but he made a video for you anyways. (PS. He speaks softly so you may have to turn your volume up all the way.)
Love And Play!!!!
Have you told someone you love them today?
Meet Prickles the Porcupine
He may not look happy but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be your friend.
The Bravest Thing Ever
What is the bravest thing you have ever done?
Let Prickles Be Grumpy
Oh, but if you want to see him smile.....
Difference Between Small and Big Problems
Who are your safe trusted adults?
Snow Love
What do you love to do in the snow?
Sledding Through Life
Sometimes we get off track but we keep going.
Why Sage Loves Snow
No two alike but together a mighty good team.
Meet Chomps McDaniel
Not as tough as he seems--but shhhh, don't tell anyone I said that.
Its Ok To Be Sad
Sage feels sad at the Holidays too--especially when there's an empty seat at the table.
Chomps Wants You to Be Afraid
Oh, but if you ignore him....
Brave Pinky Tonsina
Just because a cat bites you one moment doesn't mean all cats will bite you.
Going Slow
Sometimes its best to be last.
Prickles Likes Grey Days
Its alright if sometimes you prefer darker days over sunny ones.
Go on an Adventure
Make sure you bring a buddy but go explore and have fun.
Hard to Work on a Beautiful Day
Jazz takes short breaks outside in between work sessions.
Jazz's Reward for Getting Work Done
" Lets do it again!"
Just Ask Alice
Its ok to be curious, chances are you have more in common than it seems.
Spike Bob Smells Cookies
When feeling left out or anxious, think of something you love.
Happy New Year!!
What new challenges, adventures or resolutions will you choose this year?
Stay in the Present
Eve, who worries a lot, uses a coping strategy.
Meet Silly and Mr. Snuggles
Mamas and Papas Love Their Babies
Meet Mrs. Chloe Beaver
What can you build? Psst--Not with your teeth!
Introducing Rainbow Desert
Have you ever been lost?
Introducing Scott Richie
Do you ever wish you could fly?
Time to Meet Chipmunk
He likes to play tricks on you.
Still Lost!!!
Can you help Rainbow Desert?
Pinky Tonsina Goes Skiing, Part One
Have you ever been on a chair lift?
Pinky Tonsina Goes Skiing, Part Two
Challenge Alaska is one of the best adaptive ski programs in the country, right here in our home state!
Rainbow Desert Meets Some Helpers
Maybe she won't be lost anymore.
Squirrely Finds A Safe Place, Part One
Psst--she meant to say spruce cones not acorns.
Squirrely Finds A Safe Place, Part Two
Do you have a safe place to hide?
Squirrely is Still Hiding
Maybe she doesn't need to hide from that dog after all?
So Many Wonders
What do you wonder? What wonderful things can you find?
Get Outside and Play
Jazz loves to move his body and play outside!!!
Chipmunk is Proud of His Name
Do you know the story behind your name?
Hope and Light
The days are getting longer. What do you hope for?
Jazz Realizes its Spring Break!!!
Though he will miss gym and recess he will still move his body over the break.
Cat Attack Again!!!!!
Pinky Tonsina is going to stay away from Spruce Tip until he proves trustworthy.
BMW Leaves His Shell
He visits Hope School and finds kindness there too which helps him to be brave.
Not Gonna Ruin His Day!
Even though his friend doesn't want to play with him today, Scot Richie plans to have fun anyways.
Welcome Back!
We all can't wait to see you, we missed you tons this summer!
You Can call Him Fat Cat
He is proud of his rolls and knows the most important stuff comes from his heart mind and soul.