Parents & Guardians

Parents and Guardians

KPBSD District Student and Parent Handbook 2019-2020 (Wonderful resource for students and parents/guardians where you will find many of the policies, regulations and practices that the district follows)

KPBSD Emergency Guidelines for Parents and Guardians

Important Parent Information is located on the KPBSD website under students and parents


PowerSchool (Monitor Your Students Grades, Graduation Plans, Alaska Performance Scholarship and more)

PowerSchool Login

Directions for first time users

Parent Tool Kit (Track and Support Progress of Your Student at Each Stage)

Post-Secondary Planning

FAFSA and FSA Tips for Parents (Financial Aid Money Lent or Given by Federal Government)

Advocacy For Student With Special Needs

Adult Education

(Free math, reading, writing, life skills, GED prep for adults)

Input/Problem Solving in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Problems, concerns or complaints arise regarding the School District, its practices or personnel, there are processes in place to help facilitate the resolution of those issues. School Board policy BP 1312.1 governs the complaints process, and it is addressed in the Parent Student Handbook, in the Complaints Concerning Schools sections.

Often when we are concerned about our children and their education, emotions run high. The District believes conflict can and should be dealt with in a respectful, timely manner. To promote fair and constructive communication, every effort should be made to resolve a complaint at the earliest possible stage at the local level. Often, by just asking for an explanation or an accommodation, a situation can be resolved.

Oral complaints

The first step in resolving a problem is addressing it with the person or people involved. If that is not possible or successful, address the problem with the immediate supervisor in the setting in which the concern is raised. If the problem is in a school, contact the principal or assistant principal. If the problem involves a principal, contact the appropriate District department using the phone numbers listed below.

If resolution is not achieved at the school level, contact:

  • Tony Graham or Eric Pedersen -- 907.714.8888

If a concern involves a special education student, contact:

  • Pupil Services - 907.714.8881

If a concern involves student transportation, contact:

  • Transportation Services - 907.714.8834

Other Kenai Peninsula Borough School District departments that may be helpful are:

  • ELL Program - 907.714.8864

  • Health Services - 907.260.2391

  • Student Nutrition - 907.714.8890

  • Title I (economically disadvantaged) - 907.714.8864

Written complaints

A written complaint form, E1312, is available online as part of School Board policy. Written complaints regarding District personnel should be filed with that person’s immediate supervisor. If the complaint is against a principal or District administrator, the complaint form should be filed with the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent. If the complaint is against the Superintendent, the form should be filed with the School Board President.

Instructional materials

If a complaint involves instructional materials, a concerned staff member, district resident, or parent/guardian of a student may fill out and submit a Request for Reconsideration for Instructional Materials form, E 1312.2(a), available online. The form should be submitted to a principal, and the complaint will be considered by the Instructional Review Committee. The committee will make a recommendation to the School Board, which will make a decision whether to allow or remove the material in question. More information on the reconsideration of materials process is available in School Board policy, section 6161.1.

Appealing disciplinary decisions

If a parent/guardian or student of legal age wishes to appeal a disciplinary decision resulting in a suspension of 10 days or more, (s)he may fill out the Request for Reconsideration form, E5144.11(a), available online as part of District policy, and submit it to the school principal. More information on the appeal process is available in the Parent Student Handbook in the Discipline section, and School Board policy, section 5144.1.