Kirkwood School District

Strategic Plan

It is not by accident that students are at the heart of our Mission and Vision statements. Their success, now and in their future, is what drives us each and every day.

-Our Mission-

Students of the Kirkwood School District will think critically and creatively, driven by a sense of wonder, connection, and joy.

-Our Vision-

Working together, we will ensure all students are prepared for success – now and in their future.

The Student Experience

We live in a world that is changing rapidly. Large numbers of our students will someday work in careers that have yet to be invented, and many are already doing things – in and out of school – that previous generations would have thought not possible. Skills necessary for success in the workplace are different now than they were only 5-10 years ago. We have an obligation to prepare students for this changing world – even if it requires us to think differently about school structures and practices that may be outdated or obsolete. The student experience in the Kirkwood School District must be fundamentally better than ever before.

Our students will…

  • Feel supported through positive relationships, with knowledge that others care about them, their interests, and their success
  • Be happy, healthy, and have equitable opportunities to succeed
  • Discover, wonder about, and solve complex problems, independently and with others
  • Effectively use critical and creative thinking strategies; tinker/play with newly formed ideas to test their validity
  • Collaborate with others, in person and digitally, and communicate with a range of audiences for a variety of reasons
  • Actively question, explore, and apply thinking through rigorous learning, within and across disciplines and in authentic situations